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No, butter will not clog your arteries if used in moderation. However, the oils in margerine will clog your arteries.

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Q: How does butter clog your arteries?
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No. Fat and cholesterol clog artetries.

How much butter does it take to clog your arteries I like butter on toast and eat it a lot Will I get my arteries clogged for eating butter on toast all the time?

What clogs your arteries is the bad type of cholesterol. Some of this can come from diet and some can be made naturally by your body. Rather than worry about butter go and get a cholesterol test every 2-3 years to see if you have a problem. If you do then take medical advice about how best to address this. i dont know, why do you think i call it i cnat belive it is clogging my arteries!!!

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it is when your blood clogs in your arteries

Why butterfly has no butter?

A butterfly has no butter because butter is very fattening and bad for insects. Too much butter would clog the poor butterfly's arteries and lead to great physical harm. Even a dash of butter is bad for butterflies so they are rarely seen around the fatty substance, despite what their name suggest.

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because it can clog your arteries

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It can cause Thromboangiitis Obliterans (Buerger's Disease).

Can paper clog arteries?

It is very unlikely that paper would clog arteries, since it would have to be surgically implanted to get into an artery and there is no reason why any surgeon would want to do that. Paper is not part of the human diet, but even if you did eat paper, it would still not get into your arteries.

Can skinny people get clogged arteries?

Yes, too much cholesterol will clog them.

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it would clog your veins/arteries

Why is eating too much fat bad for you?

this is because it can clog yp your arteries. xxxx

Can sperm clog your arteries if swallowed?

No. Swallowing sperm will not cause your arteries to be clogged with spermatozoa. The sperm will be digested in the stomach and small intestine and will not have direct access to the vascular system.