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The human heart is an involuntary muscle that consists of four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. Its function is to transport oxygen-rich blood throughout the body via the circulatory system, nourishing and energizing living cells. Like any other muscle, the heart can be strengthened with exercise or weakened by a lack of physical activity.

Cardiac output is a function of stroke volume and heart rate. An individual's cardiac output can be determined by measuring the total volume of blood that is pumped by a heart ventricle (stroke volume) each time the heart beats (heart rate). The stroke volume multiplied by the heart rate equals cardiac output.

A simple mathematical equation is used to calculate the cardiac output of the heart, measured in milliliters per minute.

Cardiac Output in mL/min = heart rate (beats/min) X stroke volume (mL/beat)

An increase in stroke volume or heart rate of any intensity increases cardiac output.

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During exercise, the muscles need more nutrients and oxygen to support the increased activity. This is accomplished when the heart starts pumping blood faster. The faster pumping is the faster pulse rate.

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Q: How does exercise affect cardiac output?
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What effects cardiac output during the first few stages of exercise?

Cardiac Output is computed as your heart rate times your stroke volume (volume of blood ejected from the heart each beat). The main contributor when exercising is an acceleration in heart rate. Stroke volume can be increased, but only by prolonged aerobic training. To answer your Q, HR as has the main effect on cardiac output during the first stages of exercise.**The first few stages of cardiac exercise will 'affect' cardiac output, not 'effect' it. If you don't know the difference between the two, you should not be asking a question such as this...

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Certainly. Decrease cardiac output would mean a decreased in blood flow to the kidneys, which would lead to reduced filtration, therefore urine output.

Does Exercise benefit the cardiovascular system?

Yes. Cardiac output is increased by any form of aerobic exercise.

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How would a decrease in blood volume affect both stroke volume and cardiac output?

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