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Not laying down after eating helps to prevent heartburn as it uses gravity to keep acid down. When laying down, it is much easier for acid to escape the stomach and flow out.

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Q: How does not lying down after eating help prevent heartburn?
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Which of the following strategies should be used by someone experiencing heartburn?

a. Drink liquids an hour before of after mealsb. Eat smaller mealsc. Lie down after eatingd. a and bLetter "D" is the answer because heartburn occurs when the acidic juice in your stomach backups into the esophagus. While your stomach is coated with a thick mucus to prevent the stomach from being damaged by the acid, your esophagus is not.Letter "C" is NOT the answer because by lying down after eating, it may allow the acid in your stomach to escape up the esophagus. The sphincter separating the esophagus from the stomach is much looser than other sphincters in the body.

What causes heart burn and how do you prevent it?

its actually has o do with the acidity of the food like tomato sauces and lemon bases and seasonings take tums before you eat or any antacid right off the tums website: Stick to regular meals and eat slowly. Limit trigger foods and beverages, including alcohol. Drink water to dilute stomach acid. Lose weight if you need to. Avoid lying down or physical exertion soon after meals. Quit smoking or using tobacco. Find healthy ways to manage stress. Raise the head of your bed by six inches to prevent nighttime heartburn. Fried, greasy food, such as fast food causes heartburn. Stop eating greasy food if you want to prevent heartburn.

Is it heartburn or heart attack?

Heartburn is an uncomfortable but common feeling of burning or warmth in the chest. Although the pain of heartburn is felt in the chest, heartburn has nothing to do with your heart. Instead, heartburn is caused by regurgitated stomach acid A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle itself - the myocardium - is severely reduced or stopped. The reduction or stoppage happens when one or more of the coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle is blocked by atherosclerosis.Note: It is not necessarily atherosclerosis. AMI can be caused by an embolism or a host of other things.

Why do you have heartburn?

Heartburn is caused by eating too much, eating the wrong things or placing your body in the wrong position after/during eating. Some of the wrong things to eat are fatty and fried foods, chocolate, sometimes citrus juices, but it's really up to the specific person. People can also get it when they eat too much, in which case the muscle at the mouth of the stomach is easily relaxed and stomach acid gets into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation. This is also what happens if you lay down right after eating.

What are some food to avoid that can cause heartburn?

The best way to avoid heartburn is to eat healthy foods. Heartburn can be caused by fried, fatty, or greasy foods, and by thick, creamy dairy products. Eating baked or steamed food instead of fried food and lowfat milk products or soy milk products can cut down on heartburn from those sources. If the heartburn is instead a result of acid reflux, it would be good to avoid sodas, spicy foods, or acidic foods like oranges.

Related questions

When does heartburn occurs?

Heartburn associated with gastroesophageal reflux occurs 30-60 minutes after eating. It also occurs when a person is lying down.

When do you get a heartburn?

if you are felling any pain in your chest you need to get help right away

Is lying down after eating bulges tummy?

No, not necessarily. But eating a big meal and then lying down could be bad for your health. It might give you heartburn or a stomach (tummy) ache; also, if you always lie down after eating, it could certainly contribute to becoming overweight eventually, because you really should try to burn off some calories after eating a big meal.

How to Avoid Persistent Heartburn?

Heartburn is a serious problem for many Americans. Luckily, there are steps that sufferers can take to help lower the frequency of heartburn, and even prevent it in some cases. One major cause for many folks is eating too close to bedtime; sitting down to supper should occur at least four hours before bed. The acids involved in digestion can have a tendency to reflux into the esophagus, causing the burning sensation, after a few minutes of lying down.

How does not laying down after eating help prevent heartburn?

simply gravity. if you lay down after eating, stomach acid has no where to go. the easiest place for it to go is back up your esophagus. where as if your standing or sitting up after eating gravity will take over and stomach acid will stay down. so technically its not heart burn at all. its esophagus burn

Is it Heartburn or a Heart Attack?

Do you know the difference between heartburn and heart attack symptoms? Severe heartburn can mimic a heart attack. Here are a few signs of heartburn that may be mistaken for a heart attack.Responds almost immediately to antacidsSharp pain below the ribs or breastboneBurning sensation below the ribs or breastbonePain rarely radiates to the back, neck, shouldersPain shows up when feeling stressed or anxious, or after eating, exercising or lying down after a big meal.

What causes an extremely low body metabolism?

eating and then lying down and sleeping.

Which of the following strategies should be used by someone experiencing heartburn?

a. Drink liquids an hour before of after mealsb. Eat smaller mealsc. Lie down after eatingd. a and bLetter "D" is the answer because heartburn occurs when the acidic juice in your stomach backups into the esophagus. While your stomach is coated with a thick mucus to prevent the stomach from being damaged by the acid, your esophagus is not.Letter "C" is NOT the answer because by lying down after eating, it may allow the acid in your stomach to escape up the esophagus. The sphincter separating the esophagus from the stomach is much looser than other sphincters in the body.

What causes heart burn and how do you prevent it?

its actually has o do with the acidity of the food like tomato sauces and lemon bases and seasonings take tums before you eat or any antacid right off the tums website: Stick to regular meals and eat slowly. Limit trigger foods and beverages, including alcohol. Drink water to dilute stomach acid. Lose weight if you need to. Avoid lying down or physical exertion soon after meals. Quit smoking or using tobacco. Find healthy ways to manage stress. Raise the head of your bed by six inches to prevent nighttime heartburn. Fried, greasy food, such as fast food causes heartburn. Stop eating greasy food if you want to prevent heartburn.

Does lying down on your stomach while eating make you fat?

Posture while eating would not make someone fat. It depends more on what you are eating.

Do pandas eat while sitting standing or lying down?

well I've seen baby giant pandas eating lying down and the giant pandas sometimes stand or sit

What are thr symptoms of heartburn?

The symptoms of heartburn include a burning pain in the chest that usually occurs after eating and may occur at night. Heartburn can cause pain that worsens when lying down or bending over. Heartburn can also cause severe chest pain, difficulty breathing an jaw or arm pain.