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for people who doesn't know how to draw graffiti [wicked style]

here are some steps it can help

  • your drawing should be 3D
  • your drawings can also be big if you want
  • your drawings should be wicked and rocky[creative and imaginary]
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Q: How is wicked style graffiti art done?
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Is graffiti art or vanalism?

Graffiti is art as long as it is done on the artist's own property or on someone's property who has commissioned the artist to paint their graffiti art there.Graffiti is also an art which people enjoys.

Why does graffiti happen?

Graffiti is popular because as u could see it everywhere New York most popular like California and plus graffiti is not a crime it art and people want to show other people their art that why graffiti is popular.

What kind of work does Revok do?

Revok is a wild style graffiti artist, meaning he uses complex forms of art styles in the lettering of his graffiti work. He typically does wild style graffiti writing, which is intricate lettering that is often hard to read.

Why did Keith Haring create art in the pop art style?

True, Keith Haring's works of art do resemble art in the pop art style, however his object was different. His works of art were politically charged, and he (clearly) used a graffiti approach to his works.

Is graffiti a form of art or vandalism?

It depends on the eye of the beholder. A business person who has his shop covered with graffiti will be upset because it looks like gang members have tagged his store and his customers may be afraid to shop there. Others may see graffiti as a type of art. Some areas allow for murals to be painted such as the Bushwick Collective in Brooklyn.

Can graffiti help the environment?

Graffiti helps when done correctly/legally by displaying or brightening up dull areas, and like all art, it gives a perception to its viewers.

What is the name of the movie that features graffiti artists?

There are several. The Style Wars documentary from 1983 is the most famous. Other documentaries include Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) and Bomb It. Wild Style (1983) and Bomb the System (2002) are both based around graffiti artists, and although they are fiction they are noted for staying true to the style and nature of graffiti art.

What other artist did pop art?

While Andy Warhol's style is described as classic pop art, many other pop artist works have been recognized too. These include names like Roy Lichtenstein (comic style pop art), Blek le Rat (Stencil graffiti), Banksy (graffiti), Richard Hamilton, Jasper Johns and Pixnit.

When did graffiti become popular?

In the 1980s during the subway era in NYC. Graffiti moved into the galleries and movies like Style Wars and Wild Style were made, making it popular around the world. In Europe it's the 1990s. It seems to me that graffiti is getting more and more popular today. There are countless underground and big picture movies even a video game, and graffiti is finding it's way to the advertising world.

What are the Design Styles of Pop Art?

Pop art challenged tradition by asserting that an artist's use of the mass-produced visual commodities of popular culture is contiguous with the perspective of fine art. Pop removes the material from its context and isolates the object, or combines it with other objects, for contemplation. There are innumerable design styles of pop art. The popular ones, however, include: -Andy Warhol's classic style -Roy Lichtenstein's comic pop art -Monochromatic pop art -Graffiti -Stencil graffiti -Chinese and Soviet propaganda style -Obama's "Hope" campaign style -"Scanner Darkly" style of pop art

Why is graffiti good to do?

If you are thinking as in art aspect, it's just an art. Graffiti is good as what artist + architect do.

What does the graffiti mean?
