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The theory of evolution is no longer debated in the scientific community, because there is no competing theory that satisfactorily explains, or is supported by, the mounting archaeological and genetic evidence. Put simply, evolution is the only scientific theory consistent with this evidence. To distinguish a scientific theory from a common theory, refer to the related question, What is the Scientific Theory?


Elements of the general population have challenged and debated the theory of evolution since Charles Darwin presented his book, On the Origin of the Species, in 1859, and many continue to do so.

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Q: How long has Evolution been debated?
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Are arguments in favor of human evolution wrong?

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Scientists do not prove things. Lamarck's theory is long refuted as acquired characteristics and the use and disuse concepts are not explanations for evolution of populations.

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There is strong evolutionary evidence by people such as Darwin.There is evidence in our biological structures ie: bones and DNA in particular.Although evolution (the theory) is debated there is very strong evidence (look at Darwins books and research)

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The theory of rapid evolution rather than over a very long time.

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Biological evolution does not end as long as there is life. Evolution in general, ie. the changing of things, does not end as long as there are things that can change.