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People, we, are increasing the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere by:

  1. Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, which releases carbon dioxide (CO2).
  2. Cattle rearing, rice paddy farming, melting tundra and lakes, which all release methane (CH4).
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Q: How people increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in atmosphere?
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What causes the earth to have to many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

people burning fossle fules.

What will happen if the greenhouse effects continues to increase?

people will die

Why are people trying to minimize the use of fossil fuels as a global issue?

Because burning fossil fuel releases the long-held carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This is contributing to the greenhouse effect, which keeps the earth warm. If these greenhouse gases increase, more and more heat is trapped on earth. Global warming!

How do some people reduce the greenhouse effect?

The only way to reduce the greenhouse effect is to actually remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The only way to do this is to plant trees. Trees remove carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Some people plant trees to reduce the greenhouse effect.

Why are increased greenhouse gases not good for the earth?

Because it is all but certain that this increase will be extremely detrimental to the Earth's Future. Additional greenhouse gases are causing an enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

What do greenhouse gases reflect?

Greenhouse gases don't reflect anything. They absorb energy from incoming sunlight and warm up. The warm gas molecules then share the heat with all other molecules in the atmosphere. Many people think there is a layer of greenhouse gas "up there" that reflects the heat back to Earth. This is not the case, The gases are mixed all through the atmosphere, not concentrated in a layer.

What causes the greenhouse affect?

The greenhouse effect is the process by which greenhouse gases keep the earth warm, or raise its temperature. The normal greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenom that occurs when atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are in the range of 260-280 parts per million (ppm), thereby maintaining a comfortable global climate suitable for human existence.The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has in recent time risen by more than 35 per cent, to beyond 380 ppm, and is rising at an exponential rate. Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, this rise is resulting in global warming and climate change. Water vapour is regarded as a greenhouse enhancer, since any rise in average global temperature increases the concentration of atmospheric water vapour, which in turn adds to the greenhouse effect.Scientists say that the difference between the normal greenhouse effect and the enhanced greenhouse effect that is leading for global warming is that the recent increase in carbon dioxide concentrations is a direct result of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), as well as deforestation and cement manufacture.A:The predominant greenhouse gas is water vapor, which makes up over 75% of all of our warming tendencies from greenhouse gases.Next in line is carbon dioxide which creates 5 to 25% of the warming. Man produces about 3% of this gas. Nature produces the rest. Some people believe that this 3% that man is contributing to the CO2 output may be causing an increase in CO2 levels.A:The greenhouse effect is caused by the sun rays the earths atmosphere,plant,animal life and human production of carbon from the sun warms the earth's surface and is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The heat is then reflected back on the earth raising its temperature. A:Carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases produced by industrial factories are the main causes of greehouse effects. These greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which then traps the Sun's infrared rays and heat on Earth, causing a rise in temperature.

How will life on earth be possible if the atmosphere is destroyed?

If there is no atmosphere then the earth will get very cold, with no greenhouse effect. We will have to live in protective bubbles and generate our own oxygen. With seven billion people on the planet, that's a big ask.

What would happen if concentration increase in earth's air supply?

All the stupid people would die.

Is Adderall a pain pill?

no it is not. it is an Adderall is a pshycostimulant. it is used for people with ADHD and it is used to increase alertness, concentration

What are the advantages of a fuel crisis?

People start buying smaller carsPeople start thinking about renewable energyPeople notice the link between cleaner atmosphere and fewer vehiclesLevels of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide slow slightly in the atmosphere.

What are the shortfalls in the greenhouse model?

Greenhouse EffectThe greenhouse effect refers to the ability of some components of the atmosphere--primarily carbon dioxide--to absorb and trap heat. While too much heat is a problem--consequences being a change in weather and climate, and a rise in sea levels--the greenhouse effect is a necessary protector of life on Earth. It lets the atmosphere function like a blanket, allowing for temperatures hospitable to the planet's life. People exhale carbon dioxide and release it into the atmosphere when burning fossil fuels and plants. Plants absorb carbon dioxide as part of photosynthesis, keeping the carbon and releasing oxygen. The moon, which has no atmosphere, has an average temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius).