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Q: How would life on earth change if water did not naturally exist in all three states in the range of temperatures on earth?
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If something comes naturally from earth it is what?

the sea, the air, trees, etc. Things that come naturally from 'earth'. Humans, they come from earth too lol

What is evidence of high temperatures bellow earth's surface?

because metamorphic rocks transform at certain temperatures and pressures and knowing this we can gauge how hot it is a certain depth in the earth.

What is the principle that states that the same geological processes that operate today operated in the past to change earth's surface?


In which era was Earth the hottest?

The era in which Earth was the hottest was called the Archaean era. This was when the ocean temperatures were above 100 degrees.

What is the basic factor causing distribution of hot and cold temperatures over earth's surface?

Sunlight And Time Of Day

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What state of matter is not present at the temperatures and pressures naturally found on Earth?

Plasmas require immense heat and pressure to form.

Where on earth do Temperatures change very little from season to season?

along the equator

Where on earth do the temperatures change from very little season to season?

along the equator

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No, Bose Einstein Condensate does not occur naturally on Earth because one, it was "produced" by scientists in 1995 and two, because it exists at temperatures less than one millionth of a degree above Absolute Zero. So the answer is no.

Which can change from one state of matter to another at the temperatures and pressures experienced at Earth and surface?


What affects temperatures on earth?

Its the latitude that affects the temperatures on the earth

Can you help me make a sentence using the word biosphere?

The earth's biosphere is naturally subject to change.

How does the temperature change as you go deeper into the earth's interior?

Temperature increases as you go deeper inside Earth, with the highest temperatures ocurring in the core.

Which gas can change from one state of matter to another at the temperatures and pressures experienced at earth's surface?

Several of them.

What is the only substance on earth that can be found naturally in all three states solid liquid and gas?


Why is plasma not commonly thought of when considering the states of matter?

It exists at incredibly high temperatures not usually encountered on Earth.

Does zirconium occur naturally on earth?

Yes, it occurs naturally on earth.