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It could be caused by arthritic inflammation in either the carpel tunnel or around the ulna nerve on the elbow or possibly in the neck, A G P or rhuematoligist would be best equipped to check this out.

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Q: Is itching of a swollen hand related to arthritis?
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Why does your hand feel swollen?

Your hand may feel swollen for many reasons. Allergies is a common one, which may be caused by a bee sting. If you had hit your hand fairly hard, that could also be the reason why your hand is swollen.

Numbness and itching on wrist and arm?

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Why is right hand swollen and painful along with swollen lymph nodes?

Torn legaments

What does left hand itching mean?

You are about to receive some money.

Why do my hands itch?

Itching-right hand Money going out.-left hand Money coming in.

Does Rheumatoid arthritis cause lump in palm of hand?

Rheumatoid arthritis nodules can appear any where on your body however I have not been able to find reference to the palm of the hand.

What should you put on a swollen hand?

Usually, ice. It might depend on why it's swollen, though. If it is swollen from a sting or an allergic reaction, an ointment would be better.

What does it mean when your right hand is itching?

That you probably touched something you shouldn't have.

How to treat swollen infected hand do to iv use?

The best way to treat a swollen and infected hand due to IV use is to go to the doctor and let the doctor give you antibiotics.

What is the medical name for gout in the hand?

It does not matter where you have it it is still called gout.

Which condition causes pain in the fingers and hand?

Possibly arthritis

What does the phrase an itching palm mean?

Itching Palm:Literal definition: To itch the hand of your ownSlang definition: To grope peopleSecond Slang definition: To masturbate uncontrollably