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Q: Is the movement of rocks in the earth causes the ground to shake?
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Do the movement of rocks in the earth causes the ground to shake?

the movement in the rocks dosnot cause the ground to shake?

Do the movement in of rocks in the Earth cause the ground to shake?

Yes, the movement of rocks within the Earth, such as tectonic plate movements or volcanic activity, can cause the ground to shake. These movements generate seismic waves that travel through the Earth and are felt as earthquakes at the surface.

What causes the soil and rocks particles fall?

When the ground thaws, the force of gravity causes the soil and rock particles to fall back down. But they fall vertically, toward the center of Earth. The result is movement downhill.

What is is it called when plate movement causes rocks to break?

When plate movement causes rocks to break it is call an earthquake.

Why aren't all rocks the same?

Rocks are not the same because, they come from either a Volcano, or they are broken from the Earth's ground. So this causes it to be different shapes and sizes.

Does movement of the rocks in the ground cause the ground to shake?

Yes. This is known as an earthquake and is caused by the movement of tectonic plates.

What does a hydrologist do?

Hydrogeology is a branch of Earth science, it is mainly based on the study of ground water movement over soil and rocks.Hydrogeology is the study of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth's crust.

What leads to earthquakes along a fault?

Earthquakes occur along a fault when there is a sudden release of built-up stress in the Earth's crust. This stress is caused by tectonic plate movement, which leads to the rocks along the fault slipping past each other, generating seismic waves. The sudden release of energy during this movement is what causes the ground to shake and results in an earthquake.

What is subtuction?

the movement of rocks and mantle beneath the earth crust

What is the breaking of rocks that causes vibrations in Earth?


When plate movement causes rocks to break it's called .?

At the region between the two plates, called a transform boundary, pent-up energy builds in the rock. A fault line, a break in the Earth's crust where blocks of crust are moving in different directions, will form. Most, though not all, earthquakes happen along transform boundary fault lines.

What force adds energy to rocks?

The force of tectonic plate movement, which causes rocks to collide and shift, can add energy to rocks. This movement generates heat and pressure, causing rocks to change in composition and structure.