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Q: Supporters of the arts and humanities which helped to spread the Renaissance?
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How did the northern European rulers encourage the spread of Renaissance ideas?

These rulers often sponsored the arts by purchasing paintings & by supporting artists & writers

How did the Renaissance art started?

MEANING OF RENAISSANCE:- Renaissance was a great cultural movement that began in Italy during early 14th century. It spread to France, Germany, the neitherland, Spain & other countries in the late 15th century. The renaissance was one of the most signifficant movement in eureopean history because it effected a change in man's attitude towards problem of human existence. Renaissance was not a mass movement it was minority movement of a few scholars, artists, who were patronised by prince & rich merchant. Renaissance means rebirth it comes from latin word 'renaisecer

What ended the Renaissance?

In a broad sense the Renaissance didn't end, it spread across western Europe and fed into a succession of artistic and intellectual phenomena. But central & northern Italy's loss of cultural leadership after the 15th century doubtless owes much to the upheavals and economic downturn following the French invasion of 1494 and the subsequent 65 years of intermittent Valois-Habsburg war, as well as to the shift of economic, cultural & political primacy to north-western Europe following the discovery of the Americas, the Reformation and the rise of national states.

What is the Effect of Renaissance?

Led to advancements in Science (Copernicus, Galileo)Led to world exploration (1492)Columbus sailed to the "new world"Art and literature is forever changed. Printing press led to spread of literacy and educationLed to questioning of Church teachings, which erupted with the Protestant Reformation of the 1500'sLays the foundation for "Modern" History

What are some yearbook spread titles?

Well it depends on what the theme for your yearbook is.... Maybe for a volleyball spread " set for success" or for a academic spread " Learning for the Future" But overall, it really depends on the theme for your yearbook! :)