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Q: The greater the angle of insolation the a place will be?
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How can you measure the angle of insolation without being able to see the sun's rays individully?

you can measure the angle of insolation by measuring the angle of the shadows that appear

Describe the relationship between the angle of insolation and the rate of heating a surface.?

The angle of insolation into a surface is largest when the surface directly faces the Sun. That coincides with the temperature rising. So the angle of insolation goes up as the temperature goes up.

What season has the highest angle of insolation?


What is the angle of insolation on the equator?

The angle of insolation affects the intensity of insolation directly. In other words, as the angle of insolation increases, so does the intensity of insolation because the Sun is directly overhead at Zenith, giving off direct, or vertical rays. The opposite happens when the angle of insolation decreases, causing a decrease in the intensity of insolation as well.

Where is the 90 degree angle of insolation on the equinoxes?

Directly on the equator.

How does the angle of insolation of sunlight affect energy concentration?

The higher the angle of insolation (concentration), the more direct sunlight. Think that you have a light bulb lightening up a small bathroom and when its lightening up any other place like a big room ,the intensity is less so you get less light than the bathroom.

Why does the angle of insolation change between midday and evening and how does this affect the air temperature?

The angle of insolation is the angle the sun's rays hit a given surface on Earth measured from the horizon up to the position of the sun. The steep angle of the sun at midday allows the maximum amount of infrared to reach you, and you perceive this as heat. In the morning and the evening, the light must pass through a much greater distance of atmosphere, more heat is absorbed in the atmosphere, which never reaches you.

The amount of the suns energy that reaches earth at a given time and place is?


What is the definition for angle of insolation?

The angle the sun's rays hit a given surface on Earth.And the angle is measured from the horizon up to the position of the sun

How would a lower angle of insolation affect the maximum temperature of a surface?


At what time of day would the angle of the Sun cause insolation be the smallest?

Sunrise and sunset.

When is the angle of insolation greatest in New York?

Around June 21, the summer solstice.