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Q: What animal was the great napoleon afraid of?
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Of which animal was napoleon frightened?

He was very afraid of cats. Even if a small baby kitten entered the room he was in, he jumped up on a chair, and wouldn't come down until someone had removed the animal.

What animal was Napoleon in Animal Farm?

Napoleon was a boar (pig)

What was napoleon scared of?

he was afraid of cats

What was napoleon afraid of?

He was afraid of being defeated and hated if he had ever lost a won.

How does napoleon become a dictator in Animal Farm?

He becomes the leader of animal farm by chasing off his opponent, Snowball who through the rest of the book is made to look like bad guy. By chasing off Snowball, Napoleon is left with no opposition and all the other animals are too afraid to speak up against him becuase the dogs will kill them, therefore putting Napoleon as head of Animal Farm.

Who was Napoleon the Great?

Napoleon the great was a French Empreror.

What title does Napoleon give himself in the book Animal Farm?

Napoleon gives himself the title of "President" in the book Animal Farm.

Megalomaniacs Alexander the Great Napoleon Mussolini Genghis Khan and Hitler all may have had ailurophobia the fear of which animal?


Who were the first to rebel against Napoleon in animal farm?

Napoleon, by not eating from his trough .

What napoleon was Napoleon Bonaparte?

Napoleon Bonaparte was a great leader and ran his country under a code

What animal was napoleon Animal Farm?

Napoleon was used to symbolize Joseph Stalin, a Russian dictator, in Animal Farm

How does the poem comrade napoleon enhance napoleon's image in animal farm?

It enhances his image because it makes him look like a great, strong leader, but he really isn't. It makes the reader feel confused because in the middle of the book you get a sense that Napoleon is mean and bad, but know he has his own song that makes him sound like a great pig.