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Cognates. Words that sound or look very much alike and have closely related meanings in any two languages are cognates.

Words that are completely unrelated and just happen to resemble each other without having a common root are not cognates.

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accessible -- [ahk-seh-SEE-bluh]

accident -- [ahk-see-DAWNG]

acupuncture -- [ah-kew-pokngk-TEWR]

adorable -- adorable -- [ah-doh-RAH-bluh]

agent -- [aw-ZHAHNG]

altitude -- [ahl-tee-TOOD]

arrogant -- [ah-roh-GAHNG]

article -- [ahr-tee-KLUH]

audio -- [oh-dee-YOH]

baby-sitter -- [bah-bee-see-TUHR]

baggage -- [bah-GAHZH]

bar -- ['bar']

barette -- ['barette']

bikini -- [bee-kee-NEE]

bracelet -- [brahs-LAY]

buffet -- ['buffet']

bureau -- [boo-ROH]

bus -- [bews]

cabaret -- ['cabaret']

camping -- [kawng-PEENG]

carafe -- ['carafe']

cascade -- [kahs-KAHD]

casino -- [kah-zee-NOH]

centre (Br) -- [SAWNG-truh]

champion -- [shahng-PYOHNG]

chef -- ['chef']

chocolate -- [shoh-koh-LAH]

cigarette -- ['cigarette']

club -- ['club']

cocktail -- ['cocktail']

code -- ['code']

commence -- [koh-MAWNGS]

commercial -- [koh-mehr-see-YAHL]

compatible -- [kohng-pat-TEE-bluh]

compliments -- [kohng-plee-MAWNG ]

concert -- [kohng-SEHR]

contact -- [kohng-TAHKT]

courts -- [koor]

cousin (m) -- [koo-ZEHNG]

danger -- [dawng-ZHAY]

dessert -- [day-SEHR]

destination -- [deh-stee-nah-see-YOHNG]

direction -- [dee-rayk-see-YOHNG]

distance -- [dee-STAWNGS]

dollar -- [doh-LAHR]

escalator -- [ehs-kah-lah-TOHR]

euro -- [uh-ROH]

excellent -- [ehk-seh-LAHNG]

excursion -- [ehk-skewr-see-YOHNG]

fax -- ['fax']

ferry -- [fay-REE]

film -- [feelm]

format -- [fohr-MAH]

fruit -- [frwee]

future -- [foo-TEWR]

garage -- ['garage']

gay -- ['gay']

gluten -- [glew-TAWNG]

golf -- ['golf']

grand-parents -- [grawng-pah-RAWNG]

guide -- [geed]

identification -- [ee-dehn-tee-fee-kah-see-YOHNG]

infection -- [ehng-fehk-see-YOHNG]

innocent -- [ee-noh-SAWNG]

internet -- [ehng-tehr-NEHT]

intersection -- [ehng-tehr-sehk-see-YOHN]

iTunes -- [ee-TOON]

jazz -- [zhahz]

judo -- [zhoo-doh]

juice -- [zhew]

kitchenette -- [kee-shee-NEHT]

Kleenex® (tissues) -- ['Kleenex']

large -- [lahrzh]

lactose -- [lahk-TOHZ]

long -- ['long']

lotion -- [loh-see-YOHNG]

Mac (MacIntosh computer) -- [mahk]

machine -- ['machine']

magazine -- ['magazine']

mascara -- ['mascara']

massage -- ['massage']

match (game) -- ['match']

mayonnaise -- [mah-yohng-NEHZ]

menu -- [muh-NEW]

message -- [meh-SAHZH]

minute -- [mee-NOOT]

monument -- [mohng-oo-MAWNGT]

match (game) -- ['match']

moustache -- ['moustache']

navigation -- [nah-veh-gah-see-YOHNG]

niece -- [nee-YEHS]

observation -- [ohb-sehr-vah-see-YOHNG]

occupants -- [oh-koo-PAWNG]

office -- [oh-FEES]

Oh -- ['oh']

par -- ['par']

parachute -- ['parachute']

parasol -- ['parasol']

Pardon (sorry) -- [pahr-DOHNG]

parents -- [pah-RAWNG]

parking -- ['parking']

petite -- ['petite']

photos -- ['photo']

Pizza -- ['pizza']

pizzeria -- ['pizzeria']

plan -- [plawng]

plus -- [ploo]

point -- [pwehng]

pop (music) -- ['pop']

portions -- [pohr-see-YOHN]

position -- [poh-zee-see-YOHNG]

possible -- [poh-SEE-bluh]

premier -- [pruh-mee-YAY]

profession -- [proh-fehs-see-YOHNG]

promenade -- ['promenade']

prudent -- [proo-DAWNG]

public -- [poo-BLEEK]

pudding -- [POU-dinng]

radio -- [rah-dee-OH]

rap (music) -- [rahp]

reggae -- ['reggae']

restaurant -- [reh-stoh-RAWNG]

sandwich -- [sahnd-WEESH]

satellite -- [sah-tuh-LEET]

sauce -- ['sauce']

sauna -- [soh-NAH]

score -- ['score']

section -- [sehk-see-YOHN]

senior -- [say-NYOHR]

service -- [sehr-VEES]

sexy -- ['sexy']

six -- [sees]

ski -- ['ski']

slow (dance) -- ['slow']

snowboard -- ['snowboard']

soda -- ['soda']

solution -- [soh-lew-see-YOHNG]

souvenir -- ['souvenir']

spa -- ['spa']

sport -- [spohr]

station -- [stah-see-YOHN]

steaks -- ['steak']

styles -- [steel]

suites -- ['suite']

surgeon -- [soor-ZHOHNG]

synagogue -- [see-nah-GOHG]

table -- [TAH-bluh]

tampons -- [tawng-POHNG]

taxi -- [tahk-SEE]

tennis -- [tay-NEES]

terminal -- [tehr-mee-NAHL]

terrain -- [teh-REHNG]

terrible -- [teh-REE-bluh]

traces -- [trahs]

train -- [trehng]

T-shirt -- ['T-shirt']

type -- [teep]

urgent -- [ewr-ZHAWNG]

vaginal -- [vah-zhee-NAHL]

valise -- [vah-LEEZ]

version -- [vehr-see-YOHNG]

voyage -- [vwah-YAHZH]

week-end -- ['weekend']

Wi-Fi -- [wee-FEE]

yoga -- ['yoga']

zoo -- [zoh]

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Q: What are french words that match English words?
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How do you spell match in french?

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Which English words are the same as French ones?

Some English words that are similar to French words include: Date (English) / Date (French) Cafe (English) / Café (French) Table (English) / Table (French) Animal (English) / Animal (French)

What is 'match' when translated from English to French?

Allumette and match or rencontre are French equivalents of the English word "match." Context makes clear whether a source of fire (case 1) or a game (examples 2, 3) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "a-lyoo-met," "match" and "raw-kont" in French.

What English words are in the french language?

Words such as T-shirt, weekend, baby sitter, airbag, flirt are in the French language.

Why has french words such as Rendezvous become adopted and reused in the English language as if it was an English word?

Especially in the middle ages, the french and English peoples mixed together, and adopted words. The French have many cognates of English words, as we have french words. Particularly, England was once under a french ruler,(I forget the name), and during that time period many words were exchanged from language to language.

Why English is so invaded with French words?

French words were mainly introduced in English after William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066.

What is the French word or words for the English to have?

the french word is "avoir"

What are some free online dictionaries that can be used to translate French words to English?

One would use a French-English dictionary to translate words from French to English. Some online French-English dictionaries include Word Reference and the dictionary hosted at French Linguistics.

What are 4 letter words ending in exo?

No English words match those rules.

What are four french words?

to be honest with you, there are as many french words as there are as many english words, so according to this, im not sure what french words you're looking for, so i will just list a sentence with four english words translated to french (or more like a french sentence translated to english):J'ai besoin de plus d'informations.I need more information.

English words that are like french words?

There are many words in English that have their origins in French (or Norman). It's one of the reasons that English is such a rich language as there are often "French" and "Saxon" words for the same thing (for example, courage (French) and bravery (Saxon)). Some other "French" based words in English are: perfume, accomplice, admire, ace, baggage, ballet - there is a link associated with this answer which provides a much longer list.

What are some English words derived from French words?
