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Q: French words that are the same in English?
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Which English words are the same as French ones?

Some English words that are similar to French words include: Date (English) / Date (French) Cafe (English) / Café (French) Table (English) / Table (French) Animal (English) / Animal (French)

Words that are the same in French and English?

Some words that are the same in French and English are: chocolate, music, restaurant, hotel, and animal.

What do the french words zoo and zodiac mean in English?

Zoo is spelt the same in French and English, zodiac in English is zodiaque in French. They mean, in order, zoo and zodiac

English words that are like french words?

There are many words in English that have their origins in French (or Norman). It's one of the reasons that English is such a rich language as there are often "French" and "Saxon" words for the same thing (for example, courage (French) and bravery (Saxon)). Some other "French" based words in English are: perfume, accomplice, admire, ace, baggage, ballet - there is a link associated with this answer which provides a much longer list.

Is there any objects in french that are the same as our country?

There are many words that are the same between French and English. French is a Romance Language which comes from Latin. English also has Latin influences, so there are many nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc that are the same.

Why is the word sensible difficult for French learners of English?

The French word 'sensible' translates as "sensitive" in English. The English word "sensible" is translated 'raisonable' in French. So these words have the same spelling, the same origin, but a different meaning. It is a "faux-ami".

What are some words that are the same in French and English?

Air, Base, Commerce, Description, Effort, Fascination, Grain, Hall, Indication, Jamboree, Kumquat, Lotion, Maximum, Notion, Orientation, Perceptible, Quadrant, Ratio, Script, Tendon, Usage, Vacant, Wharf, Xylophone, Yacht, Zoom. All of these words mean the same thing in French as they do in English.

How do you say unique in french?

It is the same word in English and French. The pronunciation of the U isn't the same, though. In English it begins with a y-sound like the word "you", but in French it is just the pure u-vowel like in the words tu, du, and une.

How do you say Ashley restaurant in french?

If it is a name it is the same in french as in English ( Ashley restaurant). If you are stuck with some french words use Bablefish. Its very good!

French for fete or gala?

ADDENDUM: I believe it bears sayign that these 2 words mean the same thing; more so, they are the same thing. Fete is gala. both these words are French and have been adopted into English

How do you spell Yak in French?

In French, "Yak" is spelled the same as in English: "Yak."

Which words are spelled the same in french and English?

Many can be found here: