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A pulse is defined as a regular throbbing caused in the arteries by the contractions of the heart.

In an infant, the best location to feel a pulse is in the brachial area (ante-cubital fossae); in an adult, the pulse is best felt either in the tracheal area (neck) or at the radial artery in the wrist. in the buttox

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15y ago

The wrist and the junction of ur neck.

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Are pulse rates the same in each different location?

Yes, the pulse rates of different locations should be the same since they are all coming from the heart.

What are the locations of pulses?

the following Pulse location are? 1. Apical pulse 2. Radial pulse 3. Brachial pulse 4. Apical-radial pulse

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Can you die by getting hit in your pulse?

You cannot die from getting hit at any pulse point (location).

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Are pulse rate different for everybody?

yes, not everyone has they same pulse rate

Can you get a pulse oximeter on

You can purchase a pulse oximeter on They offer many different options at different price points.

Why pulse are felt at specific body location?

Veins or arteries are close to the surface,

Which normal variation may effect the location of the apical pulse?

Aging, and also the pulse is found under the 4th rib in babies instead of the 5th

How do you use pulse in sentence?

The doctor took his pulse and was glad to know he was alive. You can get a pulse from a number of different places on your body, like at your wrist.

What is the pulse rate while laughing?

The pulse rate while laughing could be different and vary with individuals. However the average pulse rate is 70-100.

Can you convert electrical pulse energy into electrical energy?

Electrical Pulse energy is already electrical energy. It can be converted to different levels (as in different voltage). It can be converted from pulse to a stable source. But non the less it will still be electrical energy.