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You regret them later and it costs thousands to get rid of them with a laser.

You contract hepatitis from the needles.

You get an infection from not taking care of the wound, yes it is a wound.

Alot of people find tattoos addictive! some people get small images to start with, and regret the waste of prime tattoo space, or have to work the small tatt into a sleeve or larger tattoo. Also names, kids names are usually fine, but partners names are one of the most usual tattoos i cover up.

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15y ago

Infection is number one, of course. Because a tattoo is basically an open wound, you have to keep it clean as the number one priority.

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Are there health issues in getting tatoos?

There are many health risks when getting a tattoo. Such as allergic reactions, infections or other skin problems.

Is getting a tattoo 4 weeks pregnant bad?

no tattooing has no harmful effects on babies

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You will not get chlamydia from getting a tattoo.

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is there anything vicodin can't help with? people if your getting a tattoo, its gonna hurt. That is the point, it is supposed to hurt. dont get one if you dont like pain.

Can you get a tattoo by getting paint in a cut?

No, it would just be very bad for your health so I don't recommend trying it.

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actually my friend, the pain will be worse because the drugs will have weird effects on your body.

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Pros on getting a tattoo at the legal age?

IMHO, there are no pros to getting a tattoo.

Is getting tattoos removed painful?

Getting a tattoo removed can be extremely painful ! When you get a tattoo removed it usually just leaves a scar of what the tattoo is, it's almost like getting a scarification tattoo, there is honestly no point in even getting a tattoo removed, you will still have it on your skin.

What is a good tattoo symbol for good health?

considering tattoos are unhealthy and unattractive, no tattoo is a symbol for good health.

Is it mandatory to have a tattoo license in springfield mass?

of course it is contact the local health department and they'll tell you what it costs and whats involved in getting it