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the elastic rebound theory

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Q: What builds stress up and helps release that stress during an earthquake?
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Related questions

Why do the chances of an earthquake increase rather than decrease as time passes since the last earthquake?

stress builds up on a fault line over time and then releases all of the stress in an earthquake.

What happens when pressure builds up along a fault?

The fault locks, and stress builds up until an earthquake occurs.

What will happen when stress builds up in a tectonic plate and the plates collide?

When that happens a earthquake is produced.

Why when and where earthquake strike?

It is when two plates in the earth because of the release of stress or tension in the earth's lithosphere.


The place in the Earth's crust where stress is released during an earthquake is called the focus or hypocenter. It is the point underground where the rupture of the fault occurs and energy is released in the form of seismic waves. This is the actual source of an earthquake.

What is the shaking of the earth caused by the release of energy as rock suddenly breaks or shifts under stress?


What type of stress did the 1902 san francisco earthquake have?

The great San Francisco earthquake happened in 1906 and not in 1902. The type of stress was a strike-slip stress.

Why do scientists think that seismic gaps are areas where future earthquakes are likely to occur?

Most earthquakes occur as a result of "stick-slip" behavior. As two plates move past each other they stick to each other along the fault and build up stress. Eventually the plates slip along part of the fault, releasing that stress as an earthquake. The longer part of a plate goes without an earthquake, the more stress builds up, and the more energy is available for a large earthquake. Scientists think these seismic gaps are areas where the plates have been stuck for a long time and so have built up stress for a very large earthquake.

In the lithosphere earthquakes occur when stress?

Suddenly builds up

What is a stress force that squeezes rock?

an earthquake

What depends on the strength of an earthquake?

We determine the scaling relationships between earthquake stress drop and recurrence.

What type of stress on the plates caused the Japan's earthquake in sendai 2011?

It is called tectonic stress.