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Pericardial effusion is the medical term meaning abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space. If the fluid affects the function of the heart, it's called cardiac tamponade. When this sac becomes filled with fluid, the liquid presses on the heart, preventing the lower chambers of the heart from properly filling with blood.

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9y ago

Cardiac tamponade is the term for compression of the heart due to fluid build-up in the pericardium. It can be a complication of pericarditis. Pericardial friction rub, which is heard as a scraping or grating sound upon auscultation with a stethoscope, is a symptom of pericarditis.

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9y ago

the condition is know as a pericardial effusion. The condition is caused by many different things such as heart attack, trama to the heart, bacterial infection, and autoimmune disorders.

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Q: What causesan accumulation of excess fluid in the pericardial space?
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What is Pericardial effusion?

Percardial effusion is when there is fluid around the heart. This is not a common aliment. This can also lead to medical complications and should be addressed.

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The pericardial fluid

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Pericardiocentesis is removal of fluid from the pericardial space by means of a needle. It can be used to decrease pressure in the space caused by an excess of fluid.

What secretes pericardial fluid?

Pericardial fluid is a fluid that is secreted by the serous membrane on the pericardious sac on the outside of the heart.

What is normal pericardial fluid?

Normal pericardial fluid is clear to straw colored. During pathological examination normal pericardial fluid does not contain blood, cancer cells, or bacteria.

What fills the pericardial sac?

The pericardial sac contains the heart and pericardial fluid which serves to protect the heart. The fluid is secreted by the serous visceral pericardium and is similar to the cerebral spinal fluid that cushions the brain.

What is medical term meaning excessive accumulation of interstitial fluid?

Edema means collection of fluid in the tissues. Edema is fluid accumulation in tissues which is common in patients with renal disorders, congestive heart failure and patients with preeclampsia. Edema is an accumulation of interstitial fluid, or fluid between cells in the tissue.

What is a pericardial infarction?

fluid on the heart

What is pericardial aspiration?

aspiration of pericardial fluid for diagnostic purposes or treating cardiac tamponade

What is the medical term meaning abnormal collection of fluid in the pericardial sac?

Pericardial effusion.