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Weathering and Erosion (by people, water, or wind)

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Q: What changes earth slowly?
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Which processes slowly changes Earth's surface?


Which wind slowly causes changes in Earth's landforms?

All winds.

Which force changes Earth's surface most slowly?

i think volcano

What caused scientists in the 1700s to reason that Earth changes slowly with time?


A series of process on earth's surface and in the crust and mantle that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another is called?

A series of processes on Earth's surface and in the crust and mantle that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another is called

What best describes the earths surface?

all ofthe changes on earth surface occur slowly

Does the geomagnetic field changes slowly if it so then does it effects the axial tilt of the earth?

Earth's magnetic field has no effect on its axial tilt.

What are landscapes and forms?

1. landscapes are an area of land where a force of earth changes it 2. Wind,water, and etc. , when they hit the surface of earth it slowly changes or in other words it turns steeper

What is the force that slowly wears away at rocks?

Weathering, or erosion changes the Earth's surface slowly over time.

How does the water changes earth's surface?

it erodes the ground around it which basically means that it is slowly chipping pieces of it off

What is a large mass of frozen water that can move rocks and boulders and move slowly and made great changes on earth?

A glacier

How does water shape changes the earth's surface?

it erodes the ground around it which basically means that it is slowly chipping pieces of it off