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The Nazis wanted to unite all Germanic people under one State.

After World War I many German speaking people were living as minorities in countries that had been created out of the former Austrian Empire and Germany, such as Poland and Czechoslovakia. Hitler wanted to restore German strength by regaining this territory and then expand Eastwards, creating a new German Empire over the Serbs and Slavs who had been ruled by the Austrians before World War I.

He saw these people as inferior to Germans and that Germans had a natural position as their rulers.

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13y ago
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8y ago

The Nazi Party believed in German (Arian) racial superiority, Jewish inferiority and conspiracy, eugenics, and the right of the superior to rule or destroy the inferior.

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10y ago

The first goal of the Nazi party was to overtake the entire world. They wanted to eliminate anyone who did not look and think like them.

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14y ago

The Nazi party wanted supreme power for their own racial group, the Aryans, which they considered to be the master race, making everybody else a slave race.

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12y ago

To destroy all jewes, they thought Jews in a future would destroy their civilization.

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12y ago

Type your answer here... the nazi party sought to strengthen germany econmically,politically,and in a nationalistic perspective. kab

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12y ago

They believed in a perfect race.

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