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Symbolism of a Lotus Flower Tattoo

Here are opinions and answers from FAQ Farmers:

  • Like the Hibiscus flower, the lotus flower is universally accepted as a symbol of estranged love and the associated empty yearning it entails. The lotus flower originated in Egypt and in India, and has had a major role in the local myths and legends.
  • The lotus flower in Indian mythology also represents birth and beauty. The goddess, Laxmi, was born from a lotus that sprang from Vishnu's forehead and there are many goddess figures that are described to have lotus features.
  • If you don't look at the mythology and the symbolism of the Lotus flower and actually look at WHERE the Lotus flower comes from that can be a huge part of why some have it. I have my Lotus flower, because it actually represents my life. The beginning of the life of the Lotus flower is down deep in the MUCK and the MUD of water and it actually grows up and OUT of the muck, mud and water and becomes a BEAUTIFUL creation of life. That's why I have mine, life for me did not start out so great but I fought my way through the crap of it all and succeeded.
  • I agree with the previous statement. The lotus flower, grown in the muddy swamps of India, symbolizes that even from the worst situation one can always pull through and make the best out of it. No matter one's struggles in life, he or she will always confer.
  • From watching Miami Ink, I learned that the lotus means that a dark period in your life is finally over and you have risen above. The lotus seed is buried beneath muck and murky waters and in time grows out above the water and blooms.
  • Adding to the previous answer the meaning of a lotus flower is not much relating to the dark times in your life but more so to your life in general. What it represents is beauty and success. Lotus flowers start off as a seed in the bottom of a pond, the mucky, smelly, bottom of a pond, but they grow, and as they grow they eventually make their way out of the mucky, smelly bottom of he pond, threw the water and to the top where they become a beautiful successful flower. Now obviously this is a metaphor relating to people's lives. You can be born in the worst conditions possible, much like the lotus, but with considerable growth and determination you can get to the top of the "pond" and become something more then what you were born into. You can become the beautiful, successful "flower" at the top of the pond.
  • Like the rose in the West, the lotus of the East is probably the most important of the flower symbols and laden with meaning. It springs forth from muddy and murky waters, eventually rising to float on the surface, opening in the morning and closing in the evening. For example, according to the Egyptians, it was the first flower of the universe, and from it sprang the first gods. Many of the ancient pillars of monumental architecture in Egypt are actually designed as bunches of lotuses. In Hinduism, the lotus blossom is one of the most important symbols used in spirituality and art. Brahma, the Hindu creator of the world, was born from a lotus blossom that grew from the navel of Vishnu on the water.
  • I believe that a lotus tattoo could mean many things. However, to me the first thing that comes to mind is the Legendary Lotus Eaters from Homer's "The Odyssey." The Lotus-Eaters (and all the men who landed on their island and tried the lotus) were said to never leave the island for the lotus made them forget everything because the lotus was so great. To mean, a lotus tattoo represents the vice associated with pleasure.
  • The lotus does symbolize many things. My reason for getting one is along the lines of the "growth from muck to the top of the pond" answer. But I believe that the previous explanations are borrowed/generalized interpretations of the original Buddhist version. In Buddhist thought the muck represents the material world of the senses; the struggle to the top is the quest for enlightenment -- the struggle to transcend the material world and the attachment to the "self"; and the blossom symbolizes the ultimate achievement of Nirvana.
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It grows from the water and the muck and blossoms into a beautiful flower on the water, just as an enlightened being must raise his or her head from the muck of delusion on the way to the path of enlightenment.

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14y ago

The lotus is seen as a symbol of awakening- especially of the spirit. This metaphor is inspired by the way a lotus flower actually grows. Its beginnings founded in the muck and mire and yet it continuously grows upward, towards the light, and eventually turns into a beautiful flower.

While a person may chose to have a lotus tattoo for any number of personal reason, it's generally associated with being a symbol for overcoming a hardship and becoming a better person for having experienced the struggle.

the meaning of the lotus flower is beauty and success.
In the Hindu religion, the Lotus flower is an flower that with every god and goddess. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vishnu, holds the lotus flower. Other Goddess and God holds the lotus flower. The Lotus Flower is the symbol of Peace.

The Lotus was an important symbol for ancient Egypt because it is the only flower which fruits and flowers at the same time. They considered it a symbol of creation, the sun, and rebirth.

In Christianity, the white lotus symbolizes the Virgin Mary.

Japanese tattoo artists use the lotus along with koi fish to symbolize luck.

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14y ago

The lotus flower symbolizes LIFE or SOUL.

I got a tattoo about half an hour ago saying "De La Soul" in fancy writing, a famous hip-hop group from the 70's...they also happen to be one of my favourites, De la Soul means "of the soul", the lotus flower means life/soul, next week I'm going to be getting a lotus flower added too as the lotus is a connection to the word soul, i thought this is the perfect tat for me.

(Correction from Matthew Glosser: The author of the answer above states that De La Soul is a famous hip-hop group from the 1970's. This is incorrect- De La Soul is a hip-hop group from the early 90's. Their first album wasnt released until 1989. The author claims De La Soul is one of their favorite musical acts, so much so that he or she got the group tattooed on his or her body, yet the author does not know even the most basic information about the group. There is a huge difference between a music group from the 70's and a music group from the 90's.

Also, regarding the lotus flower: It has come to symbolize many things in eastern culture. Purity is the most common of these symbols as ancient eastern spiritual leaders and philosphers were impressed by its abillity to grow from the mud, unstained or from the water, untouched. The lotus is also a symbol of non-attachment, a pillar of the Buddhist philosophy. Despite the author's claim that the lotus flower "means life/soul", these are not common symbols attributed to the lotus flower.)

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11y ago

The lotus flower is symbolic of several things, tho it has no intrinsic significance. For instance, it can represent the process of the mind purifying itself and attaining freedom. just as the lotus grows up from mud. through water and finally emerging into the sun. Or, the eight petals can represent the Eightfold Path. Or, it can represent chakras. Or, it can represent the spiritual body itself, with awareness as the flower, the stem as kundalini and the root as the lowest chakra. The lotus is only symbolic.

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7y ago

The lotus symbolizes purity, rebirth, and for some divinity. In Buddhism, it has been a symbol of purity of the mind and spiritual enlightenment. In Hinduism, the lotus bloomed in Vishnu's navel. The lotus seed starts in the mud and grows from the bottom of the water to the surface where it blooms as it greets the sun.

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7y ago

It symbolizes purity of body, speech, and mind.

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14y ago

Lotus blossoms mean eternal beauty, especially in Buddhism. Tattoos are no different.

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12y ago

it is an amenesisa

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