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NO. Calcium is actually one of the more essential nutrients that are needed in the human's body. It is fatty acids and obesity that gives you heart problems, not calcium.

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Q: What happens if you have to much calcium around your heart?
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How much of a change in the heart rate of the frog did you see after the addition of calcium chloride?

A lot of 'racing heartrate' drugs are Calcium Blockers, designed to block calcium. So i guessing calcium must cause a racing heart or palpitations in some people. I myself am on them. If having to take calcium, see if you can also take a combo of potassium and magnesium phosphate. Apparently the heart is a potassium muscle.

What makes you have a heart attack?

Becase you don't exersise that much and you eat 2 much fat that's why

What does heart disease do to your heart?

Any insufficiency in the delivery of blood to the body is fatal. Chronic insufficiency interferes with oxygen exchange in the lung, the function of the kidneys and liver function. Your heart is the main reason you are alive, if something is wrong with your heart there is a strong chance you will die. Your heart is responsible for not only for a transport system but it is used to fight disease, but if the heart is the diseased, your heart is less likely to save itself. It is important to keep your heart healthy by regular exercise and a healthy/balanced diet, and to avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking and junk food. There are different diseases of heart and they impact the heart slightly differently. The one that gets so much attention is coronary artery disease. This is where the blood flow to the heart is diminished due to blockages in the arteries that feed the heart blood and oxygen. This makes your heart work harder and may stop functioning normally until it can regain proper blood supply. Heart By-pass surgery allows the arteries to go around the blockage and allows blood to flow freely the the cardiac tissue.

How much blood is pumped out of your heart every minute?

5000 liter of blood every day

How much do heart surgeons earn in Winnipeg?

Heart surgeons make around 60,000 a year depending on location and experience. If they work in a large clinic or hospital they can make close to 100,000 a year.