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While BP tries yet another plan to stop the oil spilling into the gulf, locals are coming up with their own methods to contain and clean up the oil. In the weeks since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, locals have sprung into action.

Along the Gulf Coast, hair stylists have collected hair to be used in booms to collect the oil. Many stylists have even donated their time giving free haircuts to people willing to donate their locks to the clean up effort. Officials now say that hair will not be used because it has been shown ineffective in other spills. Hair salons have been asked to stop accepting donations of hair.

Meanwhile, school children perform countless experiments in coastal classrooms looking for a solution to the growing problem. My children are collecting bottles of Dawn dish soap to donate to the local clean up effort, but it remains to be seen if these donations will be accepted.

It is nearly impossible for residents to sit by and do nothing as the oil moves ashore. Hundreds of people have volunteered time to attend classes designed to teach safe clean up methods. Day after day residents walk along the beach and look for a way to restore the damage done or protect from the damage headed our way.

Currently, BP continues to ignore the EPA order to stop using toxic dispersant. BP, a company that clearly did not plan or prepare for the occurrence of a spill, will attempt again to "top off" the spill this time with mud and concrete. Even BP officials doubt this will work. So here we sit, waiting for a company that has proven itself inefficient and unprepared to come up with a solution to the disaster they created.

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Q: What have they done to fix the oil spill?
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Will they fix the oil spill?

I hope they do. The human race could die of this.===================================Will Who fix What oil spill? Please ask questions that are more specific.

How much will it cost to fix the gulf oil spill?

to much

How much will it cost to fix the oil spill?

Around 15,000,000,000

What is being done to clean up the oil spill?

they put up a brick wall and obama gave them 1 billion dollars 2 fix it

Did they fix the oil spill yet?

Yes, they did. Today. July 15th

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There was an oil spill in Louisiana?!?!? Oh yeah..... there is still oil floating around near Florida and the Gulf of Mexico

Can the gulf spill happen again?

Yes, oil can spill in a river again if they don't watch carefully or doesn't fix a problem with it.

What is the government doing to fix the oil spill in the Gulf Coast?

There trying to clean up the spill and trying to fix it at the same time and a way to stop it is to rec-cycle to help the government out.

How can they fix the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?

That is a freakin huge oil spill. I hear they're thinking of trying to burn it. The best way to get rid of it is burning it. Trust me, I did a report on oil spills for my school.

What does the world do to fix oil spill problems?

Oil companies are very serious about this issue. Safety precautions, mitigation plans, response plans and training for preventing oil spills are constantly improved. Its a non-stop business by itself. Never-ending researched is done in the search for more effective and faster oil spill clean-up products and methods.

How do you fix and oil spill?

they are puting mud in it and if that dose not work somebody has to come and seal it for good

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Drilling in the gulf was halted to prevent more oil spills. It was believed that current security systems and/or regulations were not working, and that the temporary delay it would take to fix the system would give the system time to fix itself while it handled a major oil spill. Oil spill handling systems were already taxed due to having to handle the BP oil spill, and it was believed that the handling of another spill at the same time would be very poor and cause much damage.