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Q: What influence has degas had on art?
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How did Edgar degas get involved in art?

Because he loves art

What kind of art Edgar degas does?


What art school did Edgar Degas go to as a child?

he went to art college

What art movement did Edgar degas associate with?

Edgar degas called himself a realist, but as his eyesight got worst his art style became more impressionistic.

Edgar degas is considered the founder of what style of art?


What was Edgar Degas connection to New Orleans?

he did amazing art.

Did Edgar Degas like school?

yes he did and because of he loved art and everthing about art and school

Who did influence Edgar Degas?

Mary Cassatt, Suzanne Valadon, for instance.

Who would buy Edgar Degas's paintings?

Anybody interested in art.

When did Edgar Degas produce his art work?

From 1854 until 1917.

Who are famous artists that used dancing as a theme?

Degas, Degas, Degas. The man was fascinated by ballerinas, and he is very well known in the art world. He also contributed with his experiments with lighting and was one of the founders of Impressionism.

What inspired Mary Cassatt to paint mother and child?

No one did. She was inspired by paintings she saw at an art museum.