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Q: What is Difference between fine art and functional art?
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What is the difference between functional art and a non functional art?

Functional art is art that serves a purpose. A potter who creates tea sets is making functional art. Non-functional art refers to paintings and such pieces of art that are created to view and contemplate.

What is the Difference Between Art And Fine Art?

Art can be any form of painting, dance, music, and literature. You can say like human creativity and imagination. Fine art comes with a deep imagination and creativity, like visual art.

A functional fine art form.?

A functional piece of art serves a purpose, or function, other than just viewing, such as a finely made ceramic tea set. Architecture - A+LS

How many different types of art's are there?

There is a difference between "art" and "fine art". Art is a general term and can also refer to ceramics for example. Fine arts, historically, were painting, sculpture, architecture, music and poetry, with minor arts including drama and dancing. Today, the term "fine arts" is mostly associated with visual art forms.

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Under what circumstances did art nouveau occur?

Art nouveau began with the introduction of applied arts in society. It was a movement that created a bridge between functional/commercial art and the fine arts; broken down it means "new art" in french. Think of the movement as a byproduct of the integration of newly evolving technology into art and culture.

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What is the basic definition of Functional Art?


Difference between Old and new art work?

Old art is used to refer to more traditional fine art forms. New arts or contemporary art forms refer to arts like pop art, cubism, impressionism and other art forms.

What is the quality possessed by a work of fine art thats not possessed by a craft or decorative art object?

There may or may not be a difference between "fine art" and "craft" because really the only definable answer is that of the artist's intent behind the piece. Commonly, however, "fine art" is separated from "craft" because the artists intentions behind a fine art piece is usually to express a complex emotion or opinion, whereas the usual intent behind a craft is simply for the sake of making the craft.

What is the difference between artwork and work of art?

The main difference between artwork and work of art is that a work of art is generally held in higher regard than an artwork.

What is the difference between art and sculpting?

one is sculpting, the other is art