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Q: What is fungicide spray?
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Powder mewdew on azalea bush?

Spray with a fungicide.

Difference between systemic fungicide and contact fungicide?

Fungicide is a chemical compound or organism that kills fungus. Contact fungicide is a spray, and it only protects the plant from fungus in the areas where the spray comes in direct contact. Systemic fungicide is taken up into the plant, so it is redistributed through the xylem vessels and protects the entire plant from fungus.

What to happen to a garden if it were repeatedly sprayed with fungicide?

Fungicides are chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit fungi or fungal spores and would eventually kill the garden.

Why is sulfur used to spray fruit tress against pests and diseases?

Sulfue is noxious and poisonous and is therefore used as insecticide and fungicide.

How do you control die-back?

Die-back is usually caused by a fungus so cut the diseased stem back to a healthy bud and spray with a fungicide.

How do you treat Volare Lunada fungus on your lawn?

the fungus you have takes a fungicide that has to be applied by a licensed applicator. You don't only have to have a license to buy the chemical but you also have to have a spray tank

What is the potato fungicide quadrilled?

Do you mean the fungicide, brand name Quadris (azoxystrobin)?

What is Fungicide used for?

Fungicide is used for killing fungus, commonly athlete's foot.

Can copper fungicide Be used On bamboo plants?

Yes, copper fungicide can be used on bamboo plants.

Why clipper blades should be treated with a fungicide?

Treating the blades with a fungicide will maintain hygiene between uses.

Who makes a fungicide that helps soybeans grow?

Syngenta Soybean Products and Bayer are two companies that make a fungicide to help soybeans grow. This type of fungicide will help to control what is called Asian rust, which is a type of mold that strangles the soybean plant.

Zinc sulphide is comonly used as?
