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Q: What is it called when postmodernist put snippets of different writing styles or genres together into one art work?
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What best explains why postmodern works often walk a fine line between fiction and nonfiction?

Postmodernist often start with their own lives up by basis for their writing and then embellish it

How would technological advancements influence a postmodernist writing and literature in general?

Technological advancements would provide postmodernist writers with new mediums and formats to explore in their work, potentially leading to more experimental and interactive storytelling. It could also blur the lines between reality and fiction, creating an opportunity for writers to challenge traditional narrative structures and play with concepts of truth and authenticity in their literature.

How was hieroglyhics writing different from your writing today?

hieroglyhics writing is different from our writing today because our writing is based on the alphabet and theis is not

How is business writing different form expository writing?

it is different from expository writing because expository writing is not as formal

How is creative writing different from literary writing?

It is not different. Literary writing is characterized by its creativity and originality.

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They use different alphabets

How is writing for media different from writing from television?

Writing for television is writing for media.

How is writing a teacher essay different from writing a report?

Writing a teacher essay typically involves reflecting on personal experiences and beliefs related to teaching, while a report is more focused on presenting findings or information objectively. A teacher essay may include anecdotes, emotions, and opinions, while a report is usually structured with clear headings, data, and analysis. In a teacher essay, the writer's voice and experiences play a significant role, while a report typically presents information in a more formal and impersonal manner.

What are snippert codes?

A snippet is a piece of code that has already been written for you by other developers. To save time and effort writing your own commands/functions, you can use code-snippets made by others to make your job easier.

Why are paragraphs used in writing?

Paragraphs are used in writing to organize ideas and present information in a structured way. They help guide the reader through the text, separating different topics or points for clarity and understanding. Paragraphs also serve to break up the text visually, making it easier to read and follow.

What do postmodernist believe?

Postmodernists in art, culture, and literature emphasized straying away from previous commonly accepted structures in art forms. They believed there should be more freedom and flexibility in writing and art, rather than sticking to the commonly accepted formal structures of the time. For example, postmodernist writer E. E. Cummings wrote poetry in wildly experimental forms, with many line breaks and spaces and punctuation, instead of sticking to the formal forms of sonnets, villanelles, etc.

What is required to become a journalists?

You need to be good at writing detailed stories/reports. Also you need to be able to gather lots of different sources together to get your answer