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On a local PC you can have an access to registry settings through registry editor. It allows you to have a low-level access to system settings and export them to .reg file. Using registry editor you even can access to registry on a remote computer. But registry editor wasn't designed to work with multiple remote PCs simultaneously. If you need to export registry keys from multiple PCs, you can benefit from the features of EMCO Remote Registry Exporter.

EMCO Remote Registry Exporter is a tool that was designed to work in the network environment to export registry keys from one or multiple remote PCs. It can be used it if you need to check registry data on remote PCs or backup specified registry keys. Registry keys and values are extracted by the application from remote PCs and are stored in .reg files, created for every PC, so you can use them to find required information or use later on to restore registry settings. To initiate remote registry export operation you only have to define a list of keys to export and a list of PCs where export should be performed

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Q: What is meant by centralised registry?
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How do you edit registry?

You can't edit your registry manually. registry is crucial part of windows where aall configuration files saved.

Where in Walmart can one sign up for a baby registry?

One can set up and manage a baby registry online on Walmart's website. In addition, one can frequently also create a baby registry in-store at the customer services desk.

What are the two files for backup registry?

The windows XP registry consists of several files, loaded together they constitute the "registry"/ These files are Software, System, SAM, Security, Default, and UserDiff. They are located in Windows\System32\Config and are usually hidden or considered protected system files. One other registry file is called NTuser.dat and is located in the users Documents and Settings folder.

How do you clean out computer?

Very carefully. Here is a free program that will help clean your registry. If you are referring to spyware then you need a spyware removal program. I recomend Ad Aware Personal, its free and works great. You can download it from VERY CAREFULLY! It takes one slip to accidentally delete one file.. and your done. You can download a cleaning utility to help you, it's kinda risky to go in and start deleting files. Yes I would download a registry cleaning utility such as PCTOOLS Registry Cleaner - rids you of corrupt path files etc, compacts your registry to save space, and optimizes your system so that it runs faster. There are a few free registry cleaning utilities out there, you just have to look around. I don't recommend going in to your registry and deleting files, unless you want to stuff your PC up that is...COMODO Registry Cleaner Fix errors and optimize the performance of the Windows registry!The COMODO Registry Cleaner was designed to be a tool developed to fix errors and optimize the performance of the Windows registry. This tool is very careful with the registry and never deletes a registry entry if this could harm your system. For safety reasons, COMODO Registry Cleaner makes automatic backup before cleaning the registry entries.You can also use CCleanerAdvanced OptimizerIn my opinion, there is no 1 best registry cleaner. You have to be careful with your selection, make sure you can backup your registry before you make any changes and choose a product that can clean, defrag, optimize your system and offer support.Hey, guys, I want to recommend you a software "tuneup360". It's very easy to handle and of course very powerful, you can have try, I'm sure it can improve your computer performance.

Why is it hard to detect and remove a Trojan?

A Trojan Horse is so hard to detect because of the way that many Trojan horses are written. Much like the Trojan horse presented to the Greeks by the Trojans, this deadly piece of programming poses itself like a popular game or a music or something that people want. When it is downloaded, it can become memory resident, meaning that it loads itself into the registry and hard drive and stuff like that.Reason why its so hard to detect is because when a Trojan Horse it written, it usually is designed to kill and processes that are antivirus software processes. For example, Avira Personal Antivirus is called avguard.exe. A simple Trojan horse can automatically detect your antivirus and disable it. If you don't have antivirus to begin with, then that's even worse. Without updatedantivirus software, it is near impossible to detect the latest Trojan Horses, although it can be done.Now onto the reason why its so hard to remove the darn things. When Trojan Horses load themselves into the registry, they are near impossible to find without time and patience. The problems double when you have 20 million things installed on your computer. Everyone of those programs have a registry key, which allow them to be executed. Delete the key, and the program cannot run. A Trojan horse also works in this manner. The huge problem is finding the registry key in between all of the other hundreds of registry keys.If you suspect a registry key might be the Trojan Horse's registry key, then i suggest consulting a professional, or if you can't get a hold of one, send me a message

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