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The hydrosphere, and it includes all the water on earth.

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Q: What is the Name given to collective mass of water found on under and over the surface of the earth?
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What is the name given to a large area of level or nearly level land on earth surface?

a plateu

What portion of earth receives energy form the sun at any given time?

Since the Earth is a Spheroid shape, (not a true sphere) 50% of its surface is illuminated by the Sun, at any given moment.

Is the circumference of the earth measured around the surface or the atmosphere?

It is measured around the surface of the earth. The atmosphere has its own measurement excluded from that of the Earth. The Equator is bulged, and the Poles slightly flattened. The figure given is for sea level, and ignores any mountains. The Poles are about 21.4 km closer to the centre of the Earth than the Equator is.

What term is given to satellites that remain above the same point on the Earth's surface in their orbit?

There are two types of satellites that are located in a foxed spot over earth the first is reconnaissance satellites for observation of earth and usually used by the military.. The second is earth observation satellites and are intended for environmental monitoring

Does the surface north or south of the equator receive less heat because Earth's surface is curved?

== == The fact that the surface of Earth is curved definitely has a bearing on how much heat any particular point on Earth's surface receives at any given time. But remember, the axis of Earth is tilted about 23 degrees from perpendicular. As such, the critical point is not always on the equator. The critical point could be anywhere between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, depending on the time of year and the time of day. Every moment of every day, there is a point on Earth, somewhere between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, where for a brief second the sun is directly overhead, 90 degrees from the surface of Earth. That point gets the maximum benefit from the sun's rays for that brief second. The more direct the 'hit' of a ray is to the surface of Earth, means the more of the heat of the ray that gets to the surface of Earth. When a ray needs to penetrate through the atmosphere (and all the other 'ospheres) on an angle, it loses heat. The more the angle is away from 90 degrees to the sun, the more heat is lost. This is often quite noticeable during the course of the day. The morning may begin cool, then it will heat up during the day, and cool off again in the evening. This is all related to the angle at which the sun's rays hit Earth. The tilt of Earth is also the reason for the seasons. The less sunlight that reaches the surface of Earth, the less heat also reaches the surface of Earth. During winter, there are fewer hours of sunlight than in summer, and the angle at which the sun's rays reach Earth is farther away from 90 degrees than in summer.

Related questions

What is the name given to all of the collective water on earth?

The water in the Earth's surface is called the hydrosphere.

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Terra firma is the name given to the Earth's dry surface.

What name is given to the area of the earth that forms land?

Terra firma is the name given to the Earth's dry surface.

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What is the name given to half the Earth and its water?

Half the Earth's surface, land and sea, is a "hemisphere".

What is the name given to water under Earth's surface?

This is known as groundwater.

What is the name given to something found only on Earth?

The name given to something found only one place on earth can be indigenous.It can also be endemic.

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The point on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquakes focus or hypocentre is the epicentre.

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Which states contain longitude and latitude?

Every point on the surface of the earth has latitude and longitude. If the latitude and longitude of a point are given and they're sufficiently accurate, the point can be found within less than an inch, anywhere on earth.