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Blood starts on the SA node. When the atria are full, the electricity goes across either side to the left and right atria. It tells them to contract, pushing blood into the ventricles. The electricity then arrives at the AV nodes. Then it goes to the bundle of his, still in the ventricles. Here the electricity divides onto either side of the septum. The electricity goes through the Purkinje fibers, on the hearts wall. It spreads quickly through the ventricles, causing them to contract. This happens over and over, causing heart beats.

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13y ago

The blood enters the right atrium poor in oxygen, and then travels to the right ventricle and then through the aorta and arteries to the lungs to become oxygen rich and then through veins back to the section of the heart called the left atrium then to the left ventricle and out through arteries to the rest of the body to deliver the oxygen. Once delivered, it returns to the right atrium poor in oxygen to begin the cycle once more.

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Q: What is the Path that electricity takes through the heart?
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