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necrosis is death of cells with underlying/ or death of cells that cause inflammation. necrosis has to have an underlying injury.

ischemia is decreased blood supply to tissues/ cells due to obstruction/ constriction of vasculature - indeed, this is an injury, and can lead to necrosis of cells if not resolved quickly!

Note that apoptosis is programmed cell death - i.e. nucleus control is involved, and there is no inflammation - it is clean cell death! this is awesome.

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Q: What is the difference between necrosis and ischemia?
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What is the difference between necrosis and infarction?

Necrosis means that a cell or a group of cells die due to injury (heat, pressure etc), diseases (infections), or other pathological state. The term "infarction" essentially is synonymous with "ischemic necrosis" which means necrosis (cell death) from the lack of blood (ischemia). Ischemia can be caused by the occlusion of the arterial supply or venous drainage for a particular tissue.

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Sudden necrosis caused by lack of blood flow is called ischemia. This happens in cases of injury, and can lead to gangrene.

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Necrosis can be caused by external or internal factors. External factors include blood vessels damage, mechanical trauma, and ischemia. Extremely high or low temperature can cause disruption of cells, which may result in necrosis. Internal factors like trophoneurotic disorder, pancreatic enzymes, injury and paralysis of nerve cells can also cause necrosis. Sometimes steroids can also cause necrosis.

What is the difference between ischaemia and infarction?

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What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis?

Apoptosis is cell death via shrinkage, whereas oncotic necrosis is cell death via swelling. The term necrosis was used for cell death before these two different processes (shrinkage and swelling) were discovered. For this reason, it is still sometimes used to refer to both apoptosis and oncotic necrosis. However, necrosis is also sometimes used to mean only cell death via swelling. To avoid confusion, it is best to use the terms apoptosis and oncotic necrosis (and not just 'necrosis').

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Infarction is death of body tissue (also known as necrosis) due to insufficient blood or oxygen supply. Ischemia is a related term relating to the decrease in oxygen or blood supply. Gangrene is the condition resulting from bacterial invasion of an area of necrosis.

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