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The Renaissance was a period in history lasting from about 1450 to 1600 CE. Renaissance is a french word meaning rebirth. It is called this, because around that time, many Italians(and other Europeans) began to look back at the past, to such civilizations like Greece and early Rome. They saw the great successes of the past, and were in envy of them. Many of these people didnt onle envy the ancient Greeks, they wanted to model there own civilization after them. Many famous Italians did such. They wrote a new, exciting history in Art, as well as other subjects. There style was totaly new, but influenced by the Classical era art and sculptures. The Renaissance was a period of tumult as well, when prominent religious persons such as Martin Luther, began questioning the current catholic institutions. Indeed, the Rennaissance was the uprooting of the old society of the Medieval times, and the building of a new, modern society. Art would never be the same. The Italians not only revived Classical art, but they improved it. They made it something they could call there own. This new art style would be the precursor for all Modern art forms.

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Q: What is the influence of Classical antiquity o Italian renaissance and neoclassical art?
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How do the Romans art influence the English art?

Roman art influenced English art through the way it influenced Western art: via the influence of Italian Renaissance art which used classical (Roman and Greek) canons. In painting the British art academies trained their students in the canons of the Italian Renaissance until the movement of the Pre-Raphaelites broke away from it in the 19th century. In architecture, there was an influence by the Italian Renaissance, particularly by the Italian architect Antonio Palladio who based his work on the Roman architecture textbook by Vitruvius. The Palladian style was very popular in Britain in the mid-17th century where the simplicity of the (Roman) classical style was preferred to the flamboyant Baroque style. It developed into the Neo-Palladian style. It the second half of the 19th century it was rivalled by the Gothic style, but continued to be popular until the early 20th century. Neoclassicism was also another popular style. It was a revival of Renaissance style in architecture and sculpture in opposition to the Baroque. It begun in the 18th century and is still used today. Neoclassicism also influenced painting, print-making and literature. In 18th century Britain there was the Augustan Literature which was a Neoclassical style.

What culture strongly influence architecture and philosophy in the Renaissance era?

Ancient Greece

Which emperor's commissions reflect the influence of Classical Greek art?

Emperor Augustus of Rome was partiularly noted for commissioning buildings that imitated the Greek style, demonstrating its influence around the known world.

Sandro Botticelli did his background have an influence?

The greatest influence was the Florentine Neoplatonism. Neoplatonism was revived in the Italian Renaissance by figures such as Nicholas Cusanus, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, the Medici, Michelangelo, Sandro Botticelli and later Giordano Bruno. Platonism in the Renaissance was a major force in European cultural life

The mannerist style is an influence from?

Mannerism emerged during the Italian High Renaissance in approximately 1520 CE and lasted until about 1580 CE. It was influenced by the harmonious ideals of the Renaissance. The early renaissance was a period of intellectualism and mannerism artists wanted to push intellectual sophistication one step further.

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How did Greece influence the Renaissance?

People of the Renaissance were influenced by Classical ideas that came from ancient Rome and Greece.

What is the nature of the influence of classicism on Neo-classicism?

Neoclassicism was a reaction against the excesses of the Baroque and Rococo styles, seeking to revive the principles and aesthetics of classical antiquity. It drew inspiration from classical architecture, sculpture, and literature, emphasizing simplicity, order, and proportion. Neoclassical artists sought to capture the rationality and clarity of ancient Greek and Roman art while adapting it to contemporary tastes and ideals.

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i dont know the answer I know the answer: Neoclassicism

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The rediscovery of classical models influenced Renaissance Arts and Literature because they looked back at the past glory that was Rome shown through architecture and other things.

What are the primary modifications of the classical school made by neoclassical criminology?

Neoclassical criminology retained the focus on individual choice and deterrence from the classical school but added elements such as the consideration of situational factors that may influence criminal behavior. It also acknowledged the limitations of free will due to psychological, biological, and social factors, leading to a more nuanced understanding of criminal behavior.

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The Renaissance period, known for its focus on humanism and classical learning, greatly influenced Dante Alighieri's works. Dante's "Divine Comedy" combined medieval Christian theology with classical literature, reflecting the Renaissance interest in blending the two traditions. Dante's use of vernacular Italian instead of Latin also contributed to the development of the Italian language during the Renaissance.

What impact did desiderius Erasmus have on the Renaissance?

Desiderius Erasmus was a key figure in the Renaissance due to his humanist beliefs and influential writings, which promoted classical learning and critical thinking. His work played a significant role in sparking the intellectual and cultural renewal of the period, influencing education, theology, and the broader intellectual discourse of the time.

Which period history was influenced by the classical by the greek and rome?

The classics had a strong influence on the education of the European elites from the 15th century (during the Renaissance) to the mid-20th century.

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Another word for revival or renewed interest on something is the word renaissance. This is why the word renaissance was used in Europe when art and literature was under a classical influence.

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The Ancient Greeks and Romans. They read their books, painted about their mythology, and gained architectural influence from them.

How did the ideas of the Renaissance and reformation influence education theory and practice?

The ideas of the Renaissance emphasized humanism, critical thinking, and the value of education. This led to a shift towards a more liberal arts-based curriculum, focusing on subjects like literature, history, and philosophy. The Reformation brought about a focus on literacy and the importance of reading the Bible, leading to an increased emphasis on education for all, including the common people. Both movements contributed to a more individualized and experiential approach to learning, with an emphasis on cultivating well-rounded individuals.

How did Francis Bacon influence the renaissance?

Francis Bacon was a significant figure in the Renaissance due to his promotion of the scientific method and empiricism. He emphasized the importance of observation and experimentation in understanding the natural world, which laid the foundation for modern scientific inquiry. Bacon's work helped to shift the focus of knowledge from speculative philosophy to evidence-based reasoning.