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Sodium, Na

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Q: What is the major element that increases the salinity of seawater?
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Principle of constant proportions used to determine salinity?

yes..somewhat. It states that the ratio of major salts in samples of seawater from various places is constant. It can give you a rough answer to salinity ,but salinity varies because of elements not included in the major salts of the ocean. If there were no other factors then it would be able to tell you the salinity.

What are the major seawater of the world?

The pacific ocean

What major element is dissolved in ocean water?

Sodium.(seawater has approximately 35 g/L of dissolved salts: predominantly sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl−) ions)Sodium

What is the second major source of elements of seawater?

Earth's interior

What process removes the major ions from seawater?

Reverse Osmosis

What are the major seawater salts?

The most important is sodium chloride - NaCl.

What major change occurs as you move left to right on the periodic table?

As you move left to right on the periodic table, the number of valence electrons an element has increases. The number of valence electrons an element has corresponds to which group (column) an element is. (This rule does not apply to transition metals...)

Which of the following is a major property of ocean water A salinity salt or sodium B mineral content C pressure D plankton content?

salinity salt or sodium

What element is in the major compound of steel?

Iron is the major element in steel. Only an element can be an element, and an element can not be a compound, the definition of which requires more than one element.

Do the major constituents of seawater occur in the same relative concentrations throughout the ocean?


What is the major source of the dissolved minerals that affect the salinity of ocean water?

Continental Erosion

How salinity and temperature affects the seawater?

Salinity and temperature are conservative properties of seawater that directly affect the density of seawater. This is an extremely important property because it in turn directly affects upwelling and downwelling of oceans and some major oceanic currents. This is because if a denser body of water is sitting on top of a less dense body of water, the denser part of the water column will turn over (sink) to get to a more stable water column state. This leads to water mixing of nutrients and oxygen for organisms living in the water column. Typically the saltier the water, the higher the density and also the colder the water, the higher the density. So because of this, cold and salty water (Antarctic and Arctic) are the most dense bodies of water and typically stay towards the bottom of the ocean floor.