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Q: What is the name of the cartoon characters that looked like aliens and had a funnel shaped nose?
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When was the tv series V first aired it was about aliens who looked human?

1984 was the year that the TV series was first aired about aliens that looked like humans.

What was the cartoon character who looked over a wall?

Kilroy (was here) .

In what very old cartoon series did the characters have their own theater and in one episode a large female cat played Dracula and stole milk from a character that may have looked like Hello Kitty.?

Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater 1988.

How did the controversy over aliens start?

It started when man first looked up at the sky and wondered, are we the only ones?

Is there aliens living in this world as people?

We have not yet made contact with any aliens.

Who are the major characters in the book the ghost who looked like me?

The main character in Anne Schraff's The Ghost Who Looked Like Me is named Jaris.

What was the cartoon with the kid scientist named Boris and his sister who danced?

It is called Dexter's Laboratory!The girl that dances is named DeDe and of course the kid scientist is named Dexter. But I looked for a Boris but he is not one of the main characters or a recurring character... so I don't know where you got him from.

A 70's or 80's cartoon The space ships looked like the cartton character in transformers jetfire?


Why is there so much hatred for Johnny Test even though it is a good cartoon?

Because it isn't a "great" cartoon. Although it is entertaining, it's looked down upon since there are many greater works to compare it to.

What does the king Andrew cartoon mean?

Andrew is a cartoon becuase well when people were trying to make a human figure which looked like him they failed and he got very offened when they did so they thought that is they made a cartoon that no one would be able to say naything bad about him becuase that wasnt actually him that was a cartoon! i hope you like my answer and i love neighbours and brentwood:)))))

Could there be aliens familiar to dinosaurs on other planets?

Yes, there was recently discovered forms of ancient life on mars that looked like dinosaurs

What was the lesson can we get in the movie of avatar?

The blue aliens looked somewhat like Native Americans. And like Native Americans, whites stole their land including their sacred places. The blue aliens fought back like the Battle of Little Bighorn.