Nominally, Republican party does not support gun control legislation, except measures which restrict criminal use of firearms.
However, in reality it varies with the individual and the circumstances. Some notable Republican figures have supported gun control measures when it was politically convenient. For instance, President Reagan signed the 1986 FOPA into law, which had the effect of closing the machine gun registry.
strict gun control laws, more money allocated for welfare programs, and more lenient laws on immigration
The first difference prior to the Civil War was that the Republican Party opposed slavery while the Democratic Party supported it, and the Whig Party did not take a firm stand either way. The Democratics supported US involvement in World War 2 while the Republicans were isolationist. The Democrats usually believe in gun control, gay marriage, abortion, and bigger government, while the Republicans generally claim to oppose these.
The Democratic Party is not against the Second Amendment, it is merely for gun control. The idea of gun control is that you shouldn't be allowed to own an AK, because the only reason to own an AK is to kill other people. Republicans usually charge that because Democrats are pro-gun control, that they are anti-second amendment, but those are two different things.
Generally speaking, because they believe gun control does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. The assumption is that criminals obtain guns illegally, and no amount of new laws will change this already criminal behavior. Also, it can be seen as a conscious decision to favor certain rights over others; this is inevitable, as when two rights conflict, one must choose which has precedence. In this case, Republicans choose to prefer the guaranties of the 2nd Amendment over those from other sections of the Constitution. Finally, there is a practical political dimension to this. The National Rifle Association is a firm supporter of very minimal gun regulation, and is a large and well-funded organization. In fact, it has been called the most effective and powerful lobby in politics. Adhering to the NRA's position is means political support (in terms of votes, money, and advertising) from the NRA.
Today's Republican is not your father's Republican Pary any longer! The Republicans have purged over the last 20 years, all the liberals and moderates that were numerous and had much clout and control over the party. Today, the GOP is a conservative to an far-right-wing party. They strongly believe in taxcuts only to the very rich. They are still against any regulations that provide safeguards for consumers against the powerful interest of Wall Street. They believe that any common sense regulations be it in the enviornmental or economic spheres, is an attack on free enterprises. The Tea Party is now in control of the GOP in the House of Representatives! The Republicans are against all abortions even in the women is in danger of losing her life or a victim of incest or rape. They are against Planned Parenthood that provides mostly breast cancer tests and others for women. Only 3% is abortion-related services. They are also against Medicaire. They want to give seniors up to $15,000 and then they would be forced to go into the marketplace to find health insurance coverage-if you are sick and say, 80 years old, it would be nearlly impossible to find coverage and be able to afford it! The Republicans want to keep running up the deficit by voting for huge defense spending and tax cuts without any way to pay for them. They Republicans are so far to the right on social issues, be it abortion, school prayer, gay rights, and gun control. The GOP is mostly a white man's party with very few people of color as members. If you compare the racial makeup of both parties in the Congress it is startling: the Democrats are the face of America with conservatives, moderates and progressives; African-Americans; Hispanics and Asian-Americans. Therer are also far more women in the Democratic side than Republican. On the GOP side, you have a few Hispanics, no Asians, 2 blacks and a handful of women. As I mentioned before, there are no progressives or moderates left.
Generally speaking, the Democratic Party believes in significant restrictions on the right to bear arms ("strict" gun control), while the Republican party believes only in restrictions on criminal ownership of guns ("lax" gun control). Note that both of the above are generalizations of the national Party platforms - local party platforms and the beliefs of individual politician members of both parties can differ widely from the national party platforms.
Most democrats support legislation that will encourage more responsible storage and use of firearms. Also they would like to prevent high risk people (such as people with criminal records), from having access to them.
strict gun control laws, more money allocated for welfare programs, and more lenient laws on immigration
Generally speaking, republicans oppose gun regulation.
Guns are neither Democrat nor Republican. Democratic Party politicians and supporters have tended in general to favour stricter gun controls than their Republican counterparts, but opinion on the issue does not follow simple party lines, some Democrats opposing further control while some Republicans are in favour.
The Democratic Party.
No taxes, no gun control, small government (with the exception of women's reproductive systems), less spending (except for military and defense), no compromise, and probably a white President.
Free speech and gun-control supporting Democrats, unfortunately.
The first difference prior to the Civil War was that the Republican Party opposed slavery while the Democratic Party supported it, and the Whig Party did not take a firm stand either way. The Democratics supported US involvement in World War 2 while the Republicans were isolationist. The Democrats usually believe in gun control, gay marriage, abortion, and bigger government, while the Republicans generally claim to oppose these.
Nixon's Southern Strategy involved a plan by the Republican Party to attain political support for candidates in the South. They used the matter of segregation, Southern religious values and gun control to win votes for the party.