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Q: What is the word used to describe sperm leaving the males body?
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Related questions

The last organ that the sperm pass through before leaving the body is the?

The last organ that sperm passes through before leaving the body is the urethra.

Why are sperm not made in side the males body?

because the body is too warm for the sperm if they were in the body they would die, the only mammal that has its sperm in the body are dolphins and whale, where not sure how they keep it in their body without them dieing

What does yellow 5 do to the human body?

What yellow 5 does to the human body is shorten the number of sperm in the males body

Use of nitrogen in the body?

Nitrogen is used in the males reproductive organs, the sperm to be presise.

How do you describe a sperm cell?

it has a round head and a very thin body

Where are egg cells found in a human body?

In the ovaries and sperm is found in the males testicles : p

What is the smallest cell in the body and what is its size?

In males it's the sperm cell. Not sure about ladies or the size...

What happens to semen if man abstain from sex?

The sperm is reabsorbed by the body, but there may be discomfort in the testicles of some males.

Where in the body does meiosis occur?

Meiosis is cell division of the germ cells, the egg and sperm. It occurs in the ovary in females and testis in males.

Why can't males reproduce until puberty?

Puberty is when the hormones start to produce sperm, amongst other things happening to the body. Male's need sperm to inseminate the female and thus reproduce.

What is Spearm?

spearm is sticky stuff that comes out your dick

Do males who wear tight pants tend to be less fertile than males who wear lose clothing?

If the pants are tight in the crotch area, then yes. The sperm in your scrotum survive at a temperature a couple degrees lower than your body temperature. This is why your sperm is stored away from your body. So tight pants and "whitie tightie" underwear push your scrotum against your body and raises the temperature of your sperm. This kills your sperm and gives you a lower sperm count.