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your lungs.

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Q: What lies between the antecubital vein and the brachial artery?
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The artery lies on the boundary between capillaries in the cortex and medulla of the kidney?

The arcuate artery.

What artery lies on the boundary between the cortex and the medulla of the kidney?


Where is the brachial area of the arm?

The brachial muscle lies virtually underneath the Biceps of the upper arm. There are also arteries and nerves in that region of the same name. So basically, "the right brachial region" would lie along the front of the humerus [upper] bone in the right arm. Brachial refers to the upper arm.

Are there valves in the pulmonary artery or the aorta.?

There are not valves in the pulmonary artery or the aorta. However there are valves between these and the heart. Between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery there is a valve referred to as the pulmonary semilunar valve. Between the left ventricle and the aorta there is a valve called the aortic semilunar valve.

Where does the pulmonary valve lie between?

The right atrium and the left atrium. It actually lies between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, where it prevents the backflow of blood from the artery back into the heart during diastole (the resting period of the heartbeat)

What is a main artery lies near the surface of the body directly over a bone?

Radial artery

Where is plumanary valve?

The plumanary valve is the semilonar valve of the heart that lies between the right ventrical and the pulmonary artery and has three cusps

What is the function of the atrioventricular sulcus?

The atrioventricular sulcus or groove is where the right coronary artery lies. It is between the right atrium and the right ventricle.

Where is the peroneal artery located?

It's a branch of the posterior tibal artery. It lies in the lateral compartment of the calf

How do you differentiate between artery and vein in the liver?

The hepatic artery in the liver enters from the bottom and is much smaller in diameter than the aorta or the portal vein that it lies above. The hepatic vein exits the liver from the top, carries blood through the top portion of the liver, and is larger in diameter than the hepatic artery.

Does the common femoral vein lie medial or lateral to the common femoral artery?

The common femoral vein is medial to the common femoral artery. The common femoral artery lies farther from the body's midline.

Coronary artery that lies in anterior coronary sulcus?

Circumflex Branch