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He was an architect. Sources: Google, Ted Mosby.

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What did frank Lloyd wright use for art?

he used you

What techniques did Frank Lloyd Wright use in his designs?

The form and function are one.

Frank Lloyd Wright was considered one of America's greatest?

...architects.For goodness sake, don't use for this kind of question. Just Google "Frank L..." -- you'll get all you want.

What is the importance of Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling water?

The integration of structure with its environment was quite a concept at the time. It used poured concrete and extensive use of cantilever support.

How did Frank Lloyd Wright use parallel and perpendicular line in his window designs?

The use of parallel and perpendicular lines was most evident in his windows. Check out the Ennis house created in 1924 in Los Angels. The windows and architecture are great!

What role does symmetry play in aesthetics?

Many people find symmetrical designs aesthetically pleasing. The human face is a good example of symmetry equating to beauty. However this is all subjective and many designers, architects and artists will use asymmetry to bring out aesthetics. A good example of this is Frank Lloyd Wright

How do you use wright in a sentence?

you are wright

Can you use the word wright in scrabble?

Yes. Wright is allowed in Scrabble.

How do you use a sentence with the word wright?

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How would you use wright in a sentence?

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Why doesn't Cher Lloyd use a deodorant spray?

Cher Lloyd is highly allergic to deodorant sprays so she can't use them.

What is young Lloyd?

Young Lloyd is just a name for Lloyd as saying he is young. Like when he was about 17 people use to but still do called him young Lloyd because he is young and his name is Lloyd. But now he called Lloyd YG (Young Goldie) and still is Young Lloyd. But remember his birth name is Lloyd Polite Jr.