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Q: What part of soil is made up of the decayed remains of plants and animals?
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What is coal made from?

Coal is formed from the remains of plants that lived and died millions of years ago. Over time, the plant material was buried and subjected to high temperatures and pressures, eventually transforming into coal.

In soil organic matter is made of?

decayed plants and animals

What is made up of decayed and decomposed plants and animals matter?

bugs and leaves and ylime

What are fuels made up of?

Fossil fuels are made up of dead animals and plants and over a long period of time, the decayed plants and animal remains are compressed together with dirt.Over millions of years they will form coal.

How coal was made?

It was formed by the remains of vegetation.

What is coal made up of?

Coal is primarily made up of carbon, along with varying amounts of hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. Additionally, it may contain trace elements such as iron, arsenic, and mercury. The composition of coal can vary depending on its type and location.

What is energy source that is made from the buried remains from plants and animals called?

fossil fuels

What do dead leaves and plants on the ground form?

They turn into the soil they become part of the ground.

A rock that is made of decayed plant and animals?


How is coal connected to the sun?

Coal is made from the decayed body parts of animals and plants so after a couple of days the particles from the plants and animals will start to be covered by leaves from trees and other things and for coal to be formed you must have heat and pressure and after a couple of years the decayed particles with the heat and pressure it will eventually form into coal and also plants get energy from the sun and animals get energy from the plants so that's how coal is related to the sun

Is oil called a fossil fuel because it is made from the remains of microscopic animals and plants?


What is a softbrown material made up of partially decayed plants?

Peat is a softbrown material formed from partially decayed plants in waterlogged conditions. It is commonly used as a fuel source and in gardening for its ability to improve soil structure and moisture retention.