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Q: What plants live in the near shore zone?
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What plants live in the nearshore zone?

The near shore zone is home to sea grasses and kelp. These plants act as a filter to trap toxins and clean the waters.

Do otters live in near shore zones?

Do Otters live in interdal zone

What zone comes after the intertidal zone?

The near-shore zone comes next on the ocean side and the splash zone is on the shore side.

What is a shallow zone near the shore?

The proper term used for a shallow zone near a shore is a littoral zone. This zone is the shallow waters between the land and the open water areas.

What kind of fish live in the Near-Shore Zone?

The specific area in the ocean which is touching or close to land is called neratic zone .

What is a shallow near the shore?

The proper term used for a shallow zone near a shore is a littoral zone. This zone is the shallow waters between the land and the open water areas.

Is the near shore zone near the horizon or the shore?

many places like florida, california, islands, and any place that has a shore.

What animals live in the near-shore zone?

Seaweed, plankton, dolphins, whales, sharks, fish, krill, porpoises, jellyfish, and shrimp.

How deep is nearshore zone?

The near-shore zone is located in the continental shelf.

What are the shallow area of ponds and lakes near the shore called?

littoral zone

In what ocean zone does the dolphin live in?

dolphins live in the pelagic zone (from shore to shore) and the Nerittic Zone (above continental shelf) and the photic zone (200m deep, where light penetrates) the are not found deeper than the photic zone

Do sea otters live in the pelagic environment?

Sea Otters do not life in a Pelagic Zone, as this would be a deep sea environment. Instead, they live in the near shore ecosystem and often go on land.