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When tectonic plates collide an Earthquake is created.

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Q: What really causes an earthquake?
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What causes the most earthquake's related deaths and injuries?

Aftershocks cause the most earthquake-related deaths and injuries.

Why is an earthquake extreme?

Earthquakes causes a miassive display of DISTRUCTION.

What is a wave that causes the most deadly destruction during an earthquake?


What earthquake causes the most damage?

the earthquake that happened in japan, the earthquake caused a lot of damage then entered the sea that caused a terrifying tsunami.

How did the napier earthquake occur?

usually an earthquake occurs because underneath the earths crust are tectonic plates and when they move occasionlly one will get caught but the outside is still moving and that causes an earthquake

Related questions

What does the rotation of earth causes?

earthquake No, not earthquake, but changes in atmospheric pressure.

Does an Earthquake have weather goelogic or human causes?

an earthquake has a weather goelogic

What causes the fracture of the ground?

Earthquake causes fracture of the ground.

What does a fault have to do with an earthquake?

The fault is what causes an earthquake by sliding together, making friction.

How much pressure build up does it take to form an earthquake?

Well, it's not really pressure. It's movement in the mantle that causes earthquakes.

How does pressure result in an earthquake?

It results by creating a shockwave, which causes the ground to shake; this is an earthquake.

How does the earthquake in japan start?

There are vaults in Earth's surface. They can be anywhere. These vaults are just cracks in the earth. The 2 pieces put a lot of pressure together, forming an earthquake, later turning into a mountain or a depression. If a vault is underwater, it causes an earthquake, as the one in Japan. Japan's earthquake had 8.9 magnitude. An earthquake underwater causes the water to overwhelm, and it causes a tsunami.

------- Of earth plates causes an earthquake?


What are the natural causes of an earthquake?

plate movement

What level earthquake causes a tsunami?


What causes changes in earth surface?


What are natural causes of an earthquake?

The movement of the earth's crust and the plate boundaries, cause seismic activity, which causes the earth to rumble, causing the feel of an 'earthquake'.