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Whatever size you want it to be!

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Q: What size is a loaf mold for soap?
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Related questions

Why does mold not begin growing inside the bread loaf?

Mold does grow inside the bread loaf. The visible parts of the mold are only visible on the surface.

Which one will mold faster wheat or hillbilly loaf?

hillbilly loaf you dome****

What mold grows on soap?

It depends on the condition of soap but yes

If one piece of bread has mold on it should you throw out the whole loaf?

I usually don't. As long as you throw out the moldy pieces, it's usually okay to eat the rest. (Or at least I've never gotten sick from doing that).Another opinion . . .That depends what you want to do. Frequently, a piece of mold in one area of the loaf could mean that mold is growing elsewhere - you just can 't see it yet. I have had a whole loaf taste moldy, but located the mold on the last slices.

How does molasses contribute mold growth in soap?

Molasses is a source of simple sugars, which encourages mold growth.

Why are people concerned about mold?

People are concerned about mold because it can make you very ill, but if its something you can eat that has mold on it, e.g cheese then that's alright, but say if you had a loaf of bread that has mold on it, and you ate it, you would be ill for the rest of the day.

How can a 5 month old loaf of bread still not have a spot of mold on it?

Because it was probably frozen.

If you can't see mold on the bread is it safe?

I have eaten bread that tasted of mold, but did not see it on the piece I ate but found mold at the other end of the loaf. Generally, if I don't find any mold anywhere on the bread, I figure it is OK to eat.

How do you change bits of soap to a block of soap?

First you put the bits of soap into a microsafe container, then you heat it until it becomes runny. Pour it into a mold, and you have a block of soap!

How much bacteria is in soap scum?

Soap scum is actually what you get when soap combines with minerals in your water which forms a chemical reaction. It is not bacteria or mold but it can be a house for bacteria to multiply and live. Some soap formulas leave more soap scum than others but they don't deposit bacteria or mold. Bleach is a great product for killing this bacteria and scum.

How do you Clean washing machine soap dispenser of mold?

suck it up with a vacum

How much does a loaf of bread cost at walmart?

It depends, when you package it, then it might mold.