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Q: What stop blood flowing the wrong way in the heart?
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What porpose is served by the valves inside the heart?

They stop blood flowing the wrong way. If blood tries to go the wrong way for whatever reason, they automatically seal shut and prevent blood flow until the blood is flowing properly again.

What keep maths blood from flowing back into the chamber of the heart?

There are valves in the heart - and the larger blood vessels that stop the blood flowing backwards.

What do veins have which prevent blood from flowing towards the heart?

Veins have valves which stop the blood from flowing backwards

What are the flaps that stop our blood from flowing the wrong way?

They are called valves

What is the function of semi lunar valve?

the semi lunar valves stop the blood flowing the wrong way !

These are the flaps that stop blood from flowing the wrong way?

There are atrioventricular valves on each side of the heart that keep blood from flowing from the ventricles back up into the atria. There are also semilunar valves that prevent blood from flowing from the pulmonary arteries and aorta back into the right and left ventricles, respectively.

Why are there four valves in the heart?

2 of these valves (one on each side) stop blood from flowing back into the atria chambers of the heart when the heart is contracting and expelling blood. The other two are there to stop blood flowing out of the ventricles when the heart is filling up with blood. One stops blood flowing through the aorta to supply the body and the other stops it flowing through the pulmonary artery to the lungs.

What structures prvents the flow of blood back into the heart after the venricles contract?

Valves prevent the backflow of blood, in this case the semilunar valves stop blood flowing back into the heart.

Why doesnt blood ever flow the wrong way?

There are valves in the blood vessels (like a one-way door) - that stop the blood flowing backwards.

What is the function of valves int the heart and the veins?

The valves stop the blood flowing backwards through the circulatory system.

Does blood pressure increase when the heart relaxes?

Nope. The blood pressure actually decreases when your heart relaxes. Although the heart relaxes, it is still in pressure or else your blood would stop flowing which to some people is a bad thing.

What is the purposes of the heart valves?

We need valves (thin, flap-like structures attached to the heart walls) so that it can stop the blood from flowing backwards.