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diastolic blood pressure

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Q: What term is used for arterial pressure during ventricular diastole?
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What is the name for Blood pressure recorded during ventricular diastole?


What is the lowest pressure that remains in the arterial system during ventricular relaxation?

this is called the diastolic pressure meaning when the heart is in diastole. The diastolic number is the bottom number in common blood pressure. i.e. in a pressure 120/80 the lowest measured pressure is 80mmHg during ventricular relaxation

Why is blood pressure highest just after a ventricular systole and lowest during ventricular diastole?

Systole is the phase during which the heart contracts resulting in the movement of blood to the peripheral parts of the body. The contractile force causes increase in the pressure of the arteries, greater than the diastole which makes it possible for the blood to reach the body.

What is the term used for arterial pressure during ventricular systole?

Systolic Blood Pressure.

What AV and semilunar valve positions during ventricular diastole?

The AV valve is open and the semilunar valve is closed during ventricular diastole.

What occurs when ventricular diastole takes place?

Ventricle diastole is the period during which the ventricles are relaxing. During ventricular diastole, the pressure in the (left and right) ventricles drops from the peak that it reaches in systole. When the pressure in the left ventricle drops to below the pressure in the left atrium, the mitral(bicuspid) valve opens, causing accumulated blood from the atrium to flow into the ventricles.

Which two valves are open during ventricular systole and closed during ventricular diastole?

The semi-lunar valves

Why do the coronary arteries carry a greater blood flow during ventricular diastole than they do during ventricular systole?

Because not all of the blood that is in the heart, which was brought in during diastole, is ejected during systole. There is some back flow of blood, which can't make it over the aortic arch because of lack of pressure, into the heart.

What is the normal blood pressure number for a 50 year old?

he cardiac cycle (heart beat) consists of cardiac muscle contraction (systole) and cardiac muscle relaxation (diastole). Blood pressure represents the force (pressure) exerted by blood against the arterial walls during a cardiac cycle. Systolic blood pressure, the higher of the two pressure measurements, occurs during ventricular contraction (systole) as the heart pumps blood into the aorta. After systole, the ventricles relax (diastole), arterial pressure declines and the heart refills with blood. The lowest pressure reached during ventricular relaxation represents the diastolic blood pressure. Normal systolic blood pressure in an adult varies between 110 and 140 mm Hg, and diastolic pressure varies between 60 and 90 mm Hg.

Recoil of muscular arteries maintains blood flow during ventricular diastole?


How does venous pressure rise during 2nd heart sound?

The venous pressure increases during the second heart sound because of the increased negative pressure. 2nd heart sound heard when AV valves close,ventricular diastole

During which phase of the cardiac cycle do the ventricles of the heart contract?

There are many phases of the cardiac cycle- in total five stages occur. phase 1) - Isovolumetric ventricular contraction In response to ventricular depolarization, tension in the ventricles increases. The rise in pressure within the ventricles leads closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves. The pulmonic and aortic valves stay closes during the entire phase. 2) ventricular ejection: When ventricular pressure exceeds aortic and pulmonary arterial pressure 80MMHG- the aortic and pulmonic valves open and the ventricles eject 70% of the blood. 3) Isovolumetric relaxation: when ventricular pressure falls below pressure in the aorta and pulmonary artery, the aortic and pulmonic valves close. All valves are closed during this phase. Atrial diastole occurs as blood fills the atria.4) ventricular filling: atrial pressure exceeds ventricular pressure which causes the mitral and tricuspid valves to open. Blood then flows passively into the ventricles. About 70% of ventricular filling takes place during this phase. 5) atrial systole: known as the atrial kick, atrial systole coinciding with late ventricular diastole supplies the ventricles with the remaining blood for each heart beat. Diastole: This occurs in-between heartbeats to allow blood to refill the heartSystole: when the atria and ventricles contact For more information e-mail me: I also have a VERY helpfull link belowHow_heart_works