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stratocumulus cloud

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Q: What type of cloud forms a dull blanket and gives drizzle?
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What does the blanket fairy do?

the blanket fairy gives you a blanket to wake sure you stay warm at night

What is the major difference between a rain cloud and a thunderstorm cloud?

a rain cloud only gives of rain. a thunderstorm cloud gives lightning and rain.

Which cloud gives thunder storms?

the awsome cloud nimbis

Which type of cloud brings steady precipitation?

Convective cloud gives showers, stratus gives steady precipitation.

How does scout get the blanket on the night of the fire?

boo gives it to her

Who is Atoow in the book touching spirit bear?

Its a blanket Garvey gives Cole. :)

What is a blanket lien?

A blanket lien is a lien which gives the lienholder the entitlement to take possession of any or all of the lienee's real property to cover a delinquent loan.

Which cloud gives us rain?

The Answer is : Nimbus!....hope it helps :)

A cloud of gas that gives birth to a star is called?

A Nebula

What page is the quote were boo Radley gives scout a blanket?

The quote where Boo Radley gives Scout a blanket appears on page 380 of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It is a touching moment that symbolizes Boo's kindness and protection towards Scout.

How can I find out about hybrid cloud computing?

Hybrid cloud gives you to the opportunity to use at least two or more clouds. There is usually a private cloud and one public cloud which allows you to share information with each other with out exposing data to vulnerabilities.

Where can I get the history of Cloud Computing?

You can get the history on cloud computing on Wikipedia. It gives you everything you need to know about it including, models, architecture, and even the issues it may have.