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In German the full version was Nationalsozialisten.

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Q: What was German name for the Nazis?
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Who were the Nazis and how did they rule?

German soldiers lead by Hitler. The Nazis hated jews

Did the Nazis occupy Germany?

I think you are confused. The Nazis were German. They were from Germany.

National Socialist German Workers' Party?

The formal name for the Nazi Party of Germany; despite this name the Nazis did not have ties to socialism

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The religious ethnicity that the German Nazis' sent to death campus were Jewish.

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German doctor named Dr. Ludwig Guttmann - who had fled from the Nazis in WWII.

Was anne frank German?

Yes, but she was deprived of German citizenship by the Nazis.

Where did the Nazis lived?

Nazism was a German political movement and therefore vast majority of Nazis were German (and/or Austrian once Austria was absorbed by German). Most Nazis therefore lived in Germany and Austria. There were other similar political movements in other countries which are sometimes refered to as "Nazi" but these were on a much smaller scale to the German party.

Who were the crazy German people?

The Nazis. Freddie Kruger

What are the best part in the Nazis history?

German revolution

Who was Hilter the leader of?

Hitler was the leader of the German Nazis