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The Republican Party's 1860 platform did not back away from their opposition to the extension of slavery to beyond where it already existed. It did, however, realize that the 1856 platform was too radical and therefore did not speak about the so-called institution they had labeled as Slave Power. The platform did reflect a "western" point of view. It favored homesteads on the frontier. It proposed Federal aid to improve infrastructure, such as improving harbors and making rivers more navigable. A small increase in tariffs was also a small bone they threw to the nation's industrial base. The Party also emphasized "full and efficient" protection to all levels of citizens.

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Abraham Lincoln suggested an opposition to slavery in the 1860 US presidential election.

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Q: What was the Republican platform that Abraham Lincoln ran on in the 1860 US presidential election?
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Where was the Republican Party born?

The modern republican party was formed for the 1860 election. Abraham Lincoln was their first presidential candidate. Their main platform was to stop the expansion of slavery to 'The West'

Who was the Republican Party candidate for president in the Election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln was the winning Republican candidate for president in 1860.

Who was the republican party candidate for president in the 1856 election?

Thomas Jefferson

What did US President Lincoln do to preserve the unity of the Republican Party after his 1860 election?

The quest for the Republican Party's presidential nominations was not easy for Abraham Lincoln. Upon securing the nomination and winning the presidential election of 1860, Lincoln included in his administration some of his rivals within the party. This was an effort to preserve the Party's unity as it was a divided party when the radical wing is considered. Lincoln appointed Salmon P. Chase, Edward Bates, and Frederick William Seward to his cabinet. All of them had aspirations to be the head of the Republican Party.

In the presidential election of 1864 the democrats nominated?

Republican Party candidate incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate George McClellan. In the 1864 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 212 electoral votes and George McClellan received 21 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Lincoln 2,218,388 and McClellan 1,812,807.

Related questions

Where was the Republican Party born?

The modern republican party was formed for the 1860 election. Abraham Lincoln was their first presidential candidate. Their main platform was to stop the expansion of slavery to 'The West'

What party and person won the election of 1860?

Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas.

How many votes did Abraham Lincoln get in Mississippi?

Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln was not on the ballot in Mississippi in the 1860 presidential election.

Who was the Republican Party candidate for president in the Election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln was the winning Republican candidate for president in 1860.

What political party did Abraham Lincoln help create?

Abraham Lincoln helped create the Republican Party. He was the second person to be nominated for President by the Republican Party and the first Republican to win a Presidential election.

Did the southern states seceded following the election of James Buchanan?

No. Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election. Buchanan won 19 states including all of the southern states. The southern states seceded after Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election.

The Republican won the presidential election and elected Abraham Lincoln because?

The Democrats had split latt --------PJCC 2010-2011

Who were the nominees in the election of 1860?

Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas.

What political party did Lincoln help create?

Abraham Lincoln helped create the Republican Party. He was the second person to be nominated for President by the Republican Party and the first Republican to win a Presidential election.

What were Lincoln's platform's during the Election of 1860?

The official Republican Party platform for the election of 1860 included a promise not to interfere with slavery in the states, but opposed slavery in the territories. Abraham Lincoln was chosen as the candidate to represent the Party.

1864 in presidential election the democrats?

The person who won the 1864 presidential election was Abraham Lincoln.

Who is five parties and candidates in the presidential election of 1860?

There were only four candidates for the 1860 presidential election: Abraham Lincoln -- Republican John C. Breckinridge -- Democratic John Bell -- Constitution Union Stephen A. Douglas -- Democratic