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The Magna Carta was one of the earliest documents that ensured that the Monarch answered to the parliament, giving the parliament the ultimate authority. It both gave the citizens more rights in their daily lives, and was an early foundation of the rule of law. It is undoubtedly the reason for the system of democratic law where the parliament is the ultimate authority, not the crown.

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The Magna Carta limits the power of the king in England. It was written in 1215. Key Themes in the Magna Carta are Rule of Law, Due Process, and Economic Rights. Again in 1628 The Petition of Rights limiting the power of the kind by not allowing the Monarchy to tax without consent of Parliament.

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The Magna Carta document

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Magna Carta is one of the pillers of the British Common Law. In brief, it states that the king does not rule by a divine decree from God; but through the will of the people as expressed through his nobles (House of Lords) and selected commoners (House of Commons). The fore runner of today's Parliament.

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Its "False" because the magna carta intended to decrease the power of the monarchy's power created from the parliament.

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The taxing of perishable goods such as cheese, milk, and yogurt

What is the document by the English Parliament 87 years before the declaration of independence?

The magna carta