

Australia Politics and Society

Questions about the parliamentary democracy of Australia, the prime minister, elections and other related topics.

1,157 Questions

What awards did Robert Hooke win?

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Robert Hooke is known for his contributions as a natural philosopher, architect, and polymath, but there is no definitive record of him winning any major awards during his lifetime. His work often went unrecognized in his era, with his most famous achievement being his microscope observations and the publication of "Micrographia" in 1665.

What are some major events that happened in the 1920s?

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In the 1920s, major events included the end of World War I, the Roaring Twenties with its economic boom and cultural changes, the Jazz Age, women gaining the right to vote in the United States, the start of prohibition, the Wall Street Crash of 1929 that led to the Great Depression.

What are the 4 pillars of democracy?

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The four pillars of democracy are often identified as the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the press or media. These pillars function to ensure a system of checks and balances, accountability, and transparency in a democratic society.

First female governor general of Australia?

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The first female Governor-General of Australia was Quentin Bryce. She held the position from 2008 to 2014 and served as the Queen's representative in Australia. Prior to this, Bryce also served as the Governor of Queensland from 2003 to 2008.

What is the name of the leader of the opposition?

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The opposition leader is currently Tony Abbott. Although he is the leader of the opposition, not the opposition leader of parliament house....

How do elections work?

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since 2008

They don't work lol..

whoever pays the most

the biggest criminal wins the election

all kidding aside they are done by the election commission of Pakistan

first elections were held in 1970 for the position of president.

Only Citizens, in or out of the country can vote.

Any citizen of Pakistan can run for office.

they are conducted every five years.

A person can only be in office for 2 terms maximum.

They can be re-run for office after they have been out of office for at least one term.

Who is the leader of the opposition of labor party?

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The opposition of Labor is actually Kim Beazly! And do not confuse him as a women.. His actually a man :|

What is the Australian government?

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The Australian Government is the party within the Lower House of Parliament with the majority of seats held. The government that holds the most seats nation wide becomes the 'Government of the day'. This, however, does not mean that they can pass what ever legislation they wish as they must also hold majority seats in the senate also (which is not usually the case). For Example - The Rudd government (although not very compitent) was elected they were The Government whilst Brendan Nelson at the time was the opposition leader.

The elected governmnet will have a cabinet made up of ministers that may be form the House of Representatives, or the Senate.

Who is the opposition leader for Nsw?

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The current (2011) Federal Opposition leader in Australia is Tony Abbott. Abbott became the Federal Opposition leader on 1 December 2009.

In parliamentary democracies the leader of the opposition is the leader of the largest parliamentary party not in the government. Their job is to shadow the Prime Minister or Premier and hold the government to account.

How can citizenship be revoked?

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Answer Inalienable rightsI believe the supreme court of the US has ruled that citizenship is inherent and can never be revoked. Once born with it you have it till death do you part and even afterward for estate purposes..(not true) IF YOU ARE CONVICTED OF TREASON then your citizenship natural born or otherwise can be revoked by the US can also have your citizenship revoked by Swearing an oath to a foreign nation,serving in a foreign military that is at war with the US. Being naturalised as a citizen in another nation.

The USCIS has the legal power to arbitrarily denaturalize and deport the person within two years of their being granted citizenship if the persons is found guilty of violating US law.

If the violation is found after two years have passed since citizenship was granted, the government is required to file suit in federal court to have the person denaturalized and deported from the US.

Why is Australia's government so stable?

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Thats a subjective question, however I would say that the democratic nature of our system along with the checks and balances as established in the Constitution and in convention, the quality of life in the country all help to maintain stability.

What are the 2 branches of the legislative?

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The legislature branch has two houses, the House of Represenatives and the Senate.

Why are there so many clocks in parliament house canberra?

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There are so many clocks so that no member of parliament are late for anything and if they are they have no excuse because there are clocks everywhere.

Does Julia gillard have any children?

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Yes. Julia has an older sister who is 3 years older than her called Alison.

What are the main political parties in Australia?

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The main left wing party in Australian politics is the Australian Labor Party - ALP. There are several factions within it.

EDIT By uzumakikun9:

Socialist = left Conservative = Right

Sources: Teachers pet in school.

What does the governor-general represent in Australia?

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The Australian political system is Still part of the British Monarchy, so Queen Elisabeth is still the titular head of the government of Australia. The Governor general is the Queens representative or go between so to speak. The Governor general is an Australian appointed to the job by the Australian parliament. The role of the GG is largely ceremonial He swears in the government for example and he also install a caretaker government between the time the government is stood down and when the new one is elected in to office. If for certain reasons the ruling party is unable to carry out its job the GG has the power to sack both houses of the Parliament and call for a new election, as happened with the sacking of the Whitlam labour government.

What is one of the Houses of Parliament?

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In Australia the houses of Parliament are The House of Representatives, and the Senate.


Who was the first mayor of Warrnambool?

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Warrnambool's head of local government is Bruce A. Anson, Chief Executive of the City Council.

Why the houses of Parliament important?

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Because the coordinate the the laws defence and to some extent opperation of the country.

Who is a president and prime minister of Australia?

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There is just one country in Australia. Australia is the name of both the continent and the country.

Being a constitutional monarchy, Australia does not have a president. The leader of the government is the Prime Minister who, in 2012, is Julia Gillard.

There are six states and two territories in Australia. The government leader of the states is called the Premier, while the head of each territory is the Chief Minister.

What is the voting process in Australia?

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You fill in the form that you are given by the electoral office (you can get them at post offices and local council buildings or online. when election time comes you go to a school near your home or anywhere else in a federal election and present yourself at a desk give your name and address. A person will look up your name on an electoral roll and cross it of. You will then receive the voting ballot or ballots, which you will fill in at a private booth placed along the wall for that purpose. The ballot does not have a name on it. You fold it and place it in the correct ballot box. Keep in mind that voting is compulsory in Australia so as long as you are in the electorate where you signed up you will have to vote or explain why you were not there.

What ranks exist within the Australian government?

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Are you asking about the government structure such as a prime minister or about the Australian army?

Here's a link for the Australian army ranks: