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Nobody gets "bread and wine" in the Catholic Church. In a Latin rite church you receive Holy Communion when you are around 7 years of age, in the Eastern rites, usually when you are baptized as an infant. But, please, these are NOT "bread and wine", they only have the appearance of bread and wine, after consecration, they are the Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ - read the second half of the sixth chapter of St. John's Gospel (John 6:22-59).

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Q: When you turn 12 in a Catholic Church what is it called when you get to eat the Bread and Wine?
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What is the belief that bread and wine change to Jesus' body and blood called?

This is called Transubstantiation. In the Catholic Church it is believed to be a literal transformation, although the bread and wine do not change in appearance or physical properties. In the Protestant Churches it is generally believed to be symbolic.

What is the cup with wine in it called in the Catholic Church?

There is no cup with wine in the Catholic Church, wine in the Catholic Church is normally held in a flagon or cruet. This is poured into the Chalice shortly before consecration, at that time it becomes the Blood of Christ, whole and entire, there is no wine left whatsoever, only the appearance.

Was Jesus last supper with apostles or disciples?

The last meal Jesus spent with his Apostles is called the Last Supper, consisting of only bread and wine. Jesus said a blessing, saying that the bread was the bread of life, and the wine was Jesus' blood. If you go to a Catholic mass, there will be something called a communion, where you take the blessed bread and wine and drink it.

Why is the Last Supper called the Last Supper?

Mass, which is a memorial of the death and resurrection of Christ, involves the breaking of bread and drinking wine. The first time that this (the breaking of bread and wine) was established was at the 'Last Supper'.

Do Catholics believe that the bread and wine really represent Jesus' Body and Blood?

No, not exactly: Catholic belief is that at the consecration of the bread and wine at Mass, these elements become the true essence of the Body and Blood of Christ. While the physical form is unchanged, it is believed there is an essential transformation. Catholics do not believe that the bread and wine are representative, they believe they are the Body and Blood of Christ (in essence).

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What is the belief that bread and wine change to Jesus' body and blood called?

This is called Transubstantiation. In the Catholic Church it is believed to be a literal transformation, although the bread and wine do not change in appearance or physical properties. In the Protestant Churches it is generally believed to be symbolic.

What do Lutherans eat in the celebration of communion?

Same thing as the Catholic Church. The Lutheran church began as an off shoot of the Catholic Church. Bread/ juice is used or crackers/juice/wine.

What is the cup with wine in it called in the Catholic Church?

There is no cup with wine in the Catholic Church, wine in the Catholic Church is normally held in a flagon or cruet. This is poured into the Chalice shortly before consecration, at that time it becomes the Blood of Christ, whole and entire, there is no wine left whatsoever, only the appearance.

Is the Episcopal priest able to perform transsubstantiation with the same authority as a Catholic priest?

The Episcopal priest is able to perform all the Sacraments of the Episcopal Church with the same authority as a Catholic priest for THEIR own sacraments. But the Episcopal Church does not believe in transsubstantiation. Transsubstantiation is strictly a Catholic doctrine that states Christ is truly present, Body, Soul, Blood, and Divinity, within the Bread and Wine AS the "Body of Christ". The Episcopal Church believes that after the Words of Institution that Jesus Christ is truly present--really present--in the Bread and Wine. In the Catholic Church the bread and wine is no longer bread and wine. Look up Platonic Philosophy.

What are some characteristics of the Anglican church?

Anglicans do not recognise the Pope as the Head of the Church. Most do not accept the transubstantiation of the bread and wine at the mass (Holy Communion) into the actual body and blood of Christ, but regard them as symbolic instead. Anglicans on the whole do not pray to saints, do not regard the Virgin Mary with the same veneration as Catholics, do not require their priests to be celibate, do not believe in the non-scriptural ideas of purgatory or limbo. In the Anglican Church, any visitor who would normally receive Holy Communion in a different church (whether or not it is Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, URC or whatever) are welcome to receive the bread and wine in an Anglican church. In a Catholic Church, one must be a Catholic if one is to be invited to receive. In an Anglican church all receive the bread and wine; in a Catholic Church only the bread is normally received by the members of the congregation.

What do you have to do to get wine and bread in the Catholic Church?

First off, it is not wine and bread. It has been changed and is the body of Christ. That is probably what is restricting you from receiving communion. The Catholic and Orthodox believe that it had been transfigured, even though it doesn't change form, the bread and wine change in essence. To receive the Eucharist at a Catholic Church, you yourself need to become Catholic and believe in the Transfiguration

What is difference between catholic and Episcopal communion?

The difference in communion between Roman Catholic [R.C.] and Episcopal Church [E.C.] comes from the understanding of what happens at the consecration of the bread and wine. The R.C. church believes that the bread and wine physically change into the Body and Blood of Christ. However, the E.C. believes that the change is solely spiritual. Episcopalians still have bread and wine, but the Body and Blood of Christ is present spiritually, metaphorically.

What is a communion bread holder called?

In our church, (Roman Catholic) the bread holder is called a Eucharistic Minister. The person holding the cup of wine has this name also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the Roman Catholic Church, the answer above (a Eucharistic ---- also called an Extraordinary ---- Minister) is the title of the person who DISTRIBUTES the body and/or blood of Christ. When Holy Communion is distributed in a place other than the church (hospital, home, nursing home, etc.), the case in which the Host is carried is called a pyx.

Why do some Christians believe that the bread and wine at Communion is only symbolic and simply remembers Jesus while some believe that the bread and wine is in a real way transformed into the body an?

The Catholic church teach that when the sacrament is blessed it BECOMES the flesh and blood of Christ. For the Catholics this is a matter of doctrine/faith. Most of the rest of the Christian community believe, that the bread and wine SYMBOLISE Christ's body and blood in the same manner of imagery/metaphor that Christ himself used at the last supper before his death. Thus Catholics are welcome to share the sacrament at any other church but the Catholic church will not allow a non Catholic to share the sacrament in a Catholic church.

Can episcopal take commumion in the catholic church?

In a Catholic church, the priest can not actually stop a person from taking communion during the mass, so really any one can go up and take communion. Now people in the Episcopal church and Catholic church both believe in Transubstantiation. This is the idea that the bread and wine are turned into the body and blood of Christ by God when the priest prays to God to do so. That is the main reason why the Catholic church does not want other Christians to receive communion if they are attending a Catholic church because most Protestant sects only see the bread and wine as symbols, and do not believe in Transubstantiation. But since Episcopals believe in it, they should be able to take communion in a Catholic church without that problem.

Where would you find bread and wine in a church?

in the kitchen